Antioxidant Activity
Microhydrin has been proven to be an incredibly potent antioxidant. A double-blind crossover study has shown that Microhydrin protects the body from free radical damage. While on a regimen of four capsules of Microhydrin a day for two weeks, subjects showed a 43% increase in free radical protection as compared to the placebo group. Further studies revealed that Microhydrin has the ability to scavenge the superoxide radical and hydroxyl radical, the most dangerous of oxygen free radicals.
Free radicals are unstable toxic compounds generated by everyday metabolic processes. Although the presence of these compounds is normal, poor eating habits, pollution, stress and other factors have led to a dangerous increase in the number of free radicals created by our bodies. An unhealthy diet, full of processed foods high in fat or sugar, toxins in the air we breathe and present-day stresses all lead to an increase in free radical production.
Free radicals, created through oxidation, are compounds that have lost an electron. They travel through the body, stealing electrons from vital tissues. Normal, healthy cells are damaged as molecules are forced to surrender their electrons to a free radical. This can impair the intracellular DNA and RNA, cell membranes and numerous other important molecules in the cellular environment. Damage caused by free radicals is closely linked to many degenerative diseases. Consumption of antioxidants may play a role in supporting respiratory, heart and age-related conditions.
Each capsule of Microhydrin contains 250 mg of nanocolloidal silicate mineral, a compound of silica and hydrogen anions that contain loosely bound extra electrons. The extra electron is freely given to neutralize free radicals, rendering them harmless. Microhydrin is unique because hydrogen, being the smallest element, can provide trillions of these electrons in each capsule.
Your Biological Terrain
With the proper biological terrain, the body can exercise its amazing capacity to restore itself. One component of a healthy terrain is pH balance. A pre-clinical trial showed that in eight patients, saliva pH and urine pH both showed improvement over a period of 18 days supplementing with four capsules of Microhydrin per day.
Cellular Hydration
A double-blind placebo controlled study was conducted on eight patients receiving four capsules of Microhydrin per day for two weeks and then crossed over receiving four capsules per day of a placebo for two weeks. This study showed that while on the Microhydrin supplement, both extracellular and intracellular hydration improved. Extracellular water is the fluid that bathes the cells and intracellular water is the fluid inside the cell. These are both indicators of cell integrity.
Energy Production
We all know that our bodies need an adequate supply of oxygen to survive; however, few people realize the important role that hydrogen plays in our health. Oxygen burns hydrogen, producing energy to fuel the living system. Hydrogen and oxygen combine to produce ATP, the energy molecule that brings life to every cell in your body. ATP production is dependent on the production of NADH.
An in-vivo study has shown that Microhydrin can reduce NAD+, producing NADH. NADH carries hydrogen into the mitochondria of the cell for use in the electron transport chain. The reactions that take place at this point ultimately create water and ATP. This is why athletes and other customers have reported a noticeable increase in energy when consuming Microhydrin.
Cellular Communication
The billions of cells in our bodies must communicate with each other to maintain life. This intricate system of communication takes place through electrons. Electrons cannot move in the body without hydrogen (Albert Szent-Gyorgyi). Microhydrin provides an abundant supply of negatively charged hydrogen ions, giving your body the electrons it needs to keep communication flowing at the cellular level.
Nutrient Absorption
One capsule of Microhydrin in a glass of water reduces the surface tension of the water from 73 dynes to 45 dynes. This gives ordinary water the same surface tension as normal, healthy extracellular fluid. This is important because when the water you drink becomes more like your extracellular fluid, your body’s ability to absorb nutrients is greatly improved. Your cells are constantly taking in nutrients for use and flushing out toxins for elimination. Proper surface tension greatly enhances the efficiency of these cellular reactions. Testimonials also indicate that Microhydrin may play a substantial role in increasing cellular absorption of oxygen. Mountain climbers who consume Microhydrin have reported reaching record heights without the use of supplemental oxygen.
Reduce Lactic Acid
A clinical study reported in the fall 2001 issue of The Journal of Medicinal Food has shown that lactic acid was reduced 50% during strenuous exercise in athletes who took Microhydrin. Lactic acid is a natural compound produced in the muscles during exercise. When it accumulates to high levels it can cause painful muscle cramps, sore muscles the next day and can prolong recovery time between workouts. Microhydrin can benefit anyone who works out or participates in endurance sports by providing energy to the cells and reducing lactic acid build-up.
Microhydrin consists of safe, natural source minerals. Once Microhydrin is consumed, it releases negatively charged hydrogen ions, normally found in fresh organic fruits and vegetables, to provide the life energy that is not provided by our modern diets. Our bodies need these electrons to function properly on the cellular level and to maintain a healthy biological terrain.
Acute oral toxicity tests performed by an independent laboratory show safety up to 5 gm/kg of body weight. This is far above the suggested dosage, indicating that Microhydrin is an extremely safe substance. If you experience any undesirable side effects, please discontinue using the product. If you have any existing health conditions or are taking any prescription medication, please consult your physician before taking this supplement.
Microhydrin comes in two versions: Original and Plus
Original: each capsule contains Microhydrin® 300 mg, flanagan Microclusters® (silica, potassium carbonate, magnesium sulfate)
Plus (considered a broad spectrum antioxidant): each capsule contains Microhydrin® 200 mg, flanagan Microclusters® (silica, potassium carbonate, magnesium sulfate), Green Tea Extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid, N-Acetyl, L-Cysteine, Milk Thistle Extract, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Niacinamide Ascorbate, Seleno L Methionine, Quercitin, rice flour, and magnesium stearate.

Microhydrin is the world's most powerful antioxidant. One capsule of Microhydrin contains the antioxidant power of 10,000 glasses of fresh, organic orange juice. RBC created Microhydrin® a unique, propritary antioxidant based on negatively-charged hydrogen ions making available over One Trillion free electrons per capsule!
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Microhydrin® is the only known antioxidant that does not itself become a free radical after it gives up electrons.The molecules present in each capsule of Microhydrin are many thousands of times smaller and more abundant than the molecules present in a capsule of any other commonly used antioxidant like Vitamin C or E.
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Microhydrin(微氢)是迄今为止功效最为显著的抗衰老产品。美国科学家们根据氢分子与氧分子互动原理,将某些天然矿物质经过三十多种复杂的纳米科技工序,于2000年首次研发成功Microhydrin(微氢)。Microhydrin(微氢)携带着亿兆负电子,能迅速祛除人体内导致细胞老化和病变的自由基,保护细胞膜,并显著地增加细胞线粒体数量,恢复体力,还能排除体内各种毒素,改善酸性体质。2004年,科学家们在Microhydrin(微氢)中添加了其它八种抗氧化功效强大的天然营养成分,研制成功了Microhydrin Plus,以强化Microhydrin(微氢)的抗衰老作用。目前,美国科学家们对Microhydrin(微氢)的制作工艺又进行重大改进,运用了一种比纳米技术更为先进的高科技手段(命名为“微氢技术”),将天然营养物质分解成远比人体细胞更小的微粒,可直接进入人体细胞。Microhydrin(微氢)被添加于其它营养产品之后,能极大地提高营养成分的吸收率,甚至可以进入大脑深层。科学家们由此又研制成功一种叫作NeuroBright™的产品,可促使脑细胞的再生和修复,增强记忆力,延缓衰老,防止老年痴呆症和帕金森症。日前,美国营养品鉴别专家们将海军技术部门所使用的检测氧化还原的仪器拿来逐一测试营养保健品,发现Microhydrin(微氢)的抗氧化功效是市面上其它所有抗氧化剂的数十倍,甚至数百倍。医生们发现,病人在服用Microhydrin(微氢)之后半小时验血,或者在服用之后一个多小时验尿,检测出人体内的水分增加,自由基大量消失,病变细胞被修复。一些有趣的实验发现,Microhydrin(微氢)能够使赛马增强耐力和奔跑速度,并且使枯萎的植物恢复生气,延缓花卉凋谢的时间。学术界认为,Microhydrin(微氢)是一种划时代革命性的抗氧化、抗衰老产品,它凝聚着美国顶尖科学家团队的智慧结晶和毕生心血,是对人类生命科学发展的又一巨大贡献。
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