Probiotics and Enzymes
What are Probiotics and How Do They Benefit Health?
Probiotics are "friendly" bacteria that can provide the body with numerous health benefits. They are acquired through eating fermented dairy foods such as cheese and yogurt. Probiotics can also be obtained through supplementation. Once ingested, probiotics flourish within the digestive tract and help maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora. Besides promoting healthy intestinal activity, these micro-organisms may help promote good digestion and colon regularity. Probiotics also boost the body's ability to absorb food and nutrients. They also help fortify the immune system and help reduce inflammatory responses within the gastrointestinal system. In addition, probiotics help destroy harmful pathogens, such as E. coli, that may trigger food poisoning.
Probiotics May Offer the Following Health Benefits:
- Promote healthy digestion and nutrient assimilation.
- Replenish colonies of friendly bacteria that may be destroyed by antibiotics and certain health complications.
- Counter an overgrowth of "bad" organisms in the gastrointestinal tract.
- Enhance immune response (since a large percentage of cells of the immune system are located in the digestive tract).
- May support healthy cholesterol levels.
- Promote oral health.
- Help counter an unfavorable balance of yeast and fungus.
- Assist those that are lactose intolerant with lactose digestion.
- Support urinary tract and colon health.
Why is Supplementing with Probiotics Important?
A number of factors, including poor diet, medication, illness, stress and aging, can deplete levels of beneficial bacteria in the body. That's why it is important to incorporate a good, high-quality probiotic supplement into your daily diet.
What to Look for in a Probiotic Supplement:
- Find a probiotic supplement that guarantees its potency (the promised level of live bacteria) at time of use.
- Make sure that it contains a high-quality prebiotic to nourish and sustain existingfriendly bacterial colonies within the intestines.
- Only use a probiotic supplement containing naturally occurring strains that are safe and effective for human use and are not genetically engineered (non-GMO).
- Choose one that features a good delivery technology that enables these strains to
- securely arrive at their destination – the intestinal tract.
What are Enzymes and How Do They Benefit Health?
Enzymes are also important to the digestive process. When you consume food, digestive enzymes are immediately released from your salivary glands, stomach and small intestines. They help breakdown proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Enzymes facilitate the absorption of nutrients from the foods you eat. Without enzymes, even the most nutritious foods would not be of use to the body, as the vitamins and minerals they contain would not be properly absorbed. Foods would also move slowly through the digestive tract, resulting in discomforts such as abdominal bloating, gas, constipation and heartburn. Systemic enzymes make up a special class of enzyme that works within every system of the body, offering complete, or systemic, health.
Enzymes May Offer the Following Health Benefits:
- Promote healthy digestion and nutrient assimilation.
- Help food move quickly through the digestive tract before bloating, gas, constipation and heartburn can occur.
- May contribute to improved waste elimination, promoting colon and intestinal health.
- Boost the immune system's effectiveness.
Systemic Enzymes May Offer the Following Health Benefits:
- Help improve blood consistency, circulation and blood pressure, promotingcardiovascular health.
- Contribute to enhanced nutrient absorption.
- Enhance immune function and support healthy white blood cell activity.
- Contribute to joint health, comfort and mobility.
- Help ensure that protein is completely broken down, digested and absorbed by the body. When protein is not processed within the body properly, a buildup of toxins may result.
Why is Supplementing with Enzymes Important?
Research indicates that the human body loses its ability to produce enzymes with age. Poor eating habits, such as not chewing food properly, may also lead to inadequate enzyme production. Consuming excess processed or overcooked foods, rather than fresh, raw fruits and vegetables (which contain enzymes that naturally break down foods for proper absorption) is another potential cause of enzyme deficiency.
What to Look for in an Enzyme Supplement:
When choosing an enzyme supplement, look for one that contains enzymes from at least one, or preferably more, of the following active enzyme groups:
Pancreatin: breaks down protein, carbohydrates/starches and fats/oils.
Trypsin: breaks down protein into single amino acid molecules.
Papain: breaks down protein, especially tough meat fibers.
Bromelain: breaks down protein and may offer anti-inflammatory benefits.
Amylase: breaks down starch into sugars.
Lipase: breaks down fats, such as triglycerides and other lipids, and oils.
Lysozyme: breaks down cell walls of certain bacteria.
Chymotrypsin: breaks down large protein molecule.

Digestion Formula(消化配方)
真不敢相信,我们身体的许多病,尤其是那些看上去与消化系统无关的症状,是因为消化系统的不良、营养无法吸收、或者是无法代谢,所造成的。 消化酵素是特殊的催化蛋白质,帮助您的身体分解食物,这样身体便可吸收食物里的各种营养。遗憾的是,食物本身的消化酵素,因其对热很敏感,通常一经加热就不起作用了。虽然您的身体在无助的情形下也能分解食物,但这会加重身体系统的负担。“益生消化酵素”以易于饮用、味道可口的溶液,为身体补充所需的消化酵素和有益的微生物。
Digestion Formula“益生消化酵素”提供的天然植物酵素,遇到胃酸时不会失去活性。这就是说,补充的酵素可以与被消化的食物混合在一起帮助消化,并配合体内产生的消化酵素,让身体尽可能从食物吸取营养。
我们都知道自来水中的氯可以殺菌,使水可以安全飲用。但并不是所有细菌都有害。如果不存在有益的細菌,我們便无法消化食物。有許多人,特別是女士,知道身体系统中有益的细菌是何等重要,其中有的人已在补充乳酸菌来維持健康。“益生消化酵素”含有对人体有益的乳酸菌(Lactobacillus sporogenes),用以帮助补充有益的细菌,因为在喝了氯化过的水和服用抗生素后,体內有益的細菌就会受損。
Digestion Formula(益生消化酵素)的服用方法:
Digestive Formula
Bloating is the sensation of excessive fullness of the stomach/abdomen. Heartburn is a painful burning sensation in the chest caused by gastroesophageal reflux (backflow from the stomach irritating the esophagus); possibly symptomatic of an ulcer or a diaphragmatic hernia or other disorder. Consult your doctor if these problems persist. Antacids and acid blocking agents provide relief, however natural methods for minimizing incidences of occasional heartburn may be better in the long term. These include weight loss, proper breathing, and avoiding certain foods. Foods, such as chocolate, mints and other spices with strong aromatic oils, coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco, and carbonated drinks have been shown to increase occasional heartburn.
Life Plus products contain no preservatives, sugar, starch, salt, wheat, yeast, corn, milk, soy derivatives, artificial flavoring or coloring agents.
Two-phase Digestive Aid Supports Digestion
Digestive Formula is a unique two-phase digestive supplement that mimics the two primary phases of healthy digestion. In phase one (the stomach), acidic nutrients are released from each tablet, along with the protein digesting enzymes pepsin, papain, and bromelain, to support a healthy acidic enzyme environment. In the second phase (small intestine), the bicarbonate, pancreatic enzymes, and bile salts – just like the gallbladder and pancreas – are released to help digestion in the upper intestines. Pancreatic enzymes are multifunctional, because they help the digestion of all foods, including proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates.
What makes Digestive Formula different from other digestive aids?
Digestive Formula is a unique two-phase digestive supplement that mimics the two primary phases of healthy digestion. In phase one (the stomach), acidic nutrients are released from each tablet, along with the protein digesting enzymes pepsin, papain, and bromelain, to support the healthy acidic enzyme environment of your stomach. In the second phase (small intestine), the tablet releases bicarbonate, pancreatic enzymes, and bile salts – just like the gallbladder and pancreas – to help digestion in the upper intestines. These pancreatic enzymes are multifunctional, because they help the digestion of all foods, including proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates. Use of Digestive Formula can help improve digestion in many people, including those who may experience occasional indigestion or heartburn.
Supports Acid-alkaline Balance in the Digestive System
Hydrochloric acid, produced by the stomach, plays an important role in the first phase of digestion. Optimal digestion begins with a pH (a measure of acid/alkaline balance) between 1 and 2, which is as strong as the acid used in car batteries. In addition to initiating the proper digestion of protein, fat, and carbohydrate, strong stomach acid also creates a barrier against foreign bacteria, fungi, and parasites that may be on food that we eat. The stomach lining is designed to withstand the strong acid generated during and after eating; however, the esophagus is not. Various factors may cause one to have occasional heartburn.
Antacids and acid blocking agents provide relief, however natural methods for minimizing incidences of occasional heartburn may be better in the long term. These include weight loss, proper breathing, and avoiding certain foods. Frequent small meals, not eating 4-5 hours before bedtime, elevating the head of the bed by six inches, and sleeping on the left side can also be helpful. Foods, such as chocolate, mints and other spices with strong aromatic oils, coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco, and carbonated drinks have been shown to increase occasional heartburn.
People with occasional “indigestion and heartburn” of different types find that dietary supplementation with Digestive Formula often helps promote healthy digestion. The whole process of digestion requires more energy from the body than any other process. Hydrochloric acid production diminishes easily under stress and alsodecreases as we grow older.
Among other things, adequate levels of stomach acid are needed for optimal absorption of minerals and vitamin B-12, as well as for complete digestion of dietary proteins. These functions may be needed in order to maintain the ability to make adequate amounts of stomach acid.
Time-Released Two-Phase Formula
Digestive Formula is a unique two-phase digestive supplement that imitates and complements the primary two phases of healthy digestion. The acidic substances, betaine hydrochloride and glutamic acid hydrochloride (one of the amino acids) are released from phase one of the tablet, along with the protein digesting enzymes pepsin, papain, and bromelain. Together these help support the healthy acidic enzyme environment of the stomach. The pH-sensitive second phase of the tablet releases bicarbonate, pancreatic enzymes, and bile salts to complement and support the natural second phase (small intestinal) of digestion.
The second phase of digestion begins when food passes from the stomach into the small intestine. As the partially digested food enters here, its strong acidity signals the pancreas to secrete bicarbonate along with its starch, protein, and fat digesting enzymes. Secreted bicarbonate neutralizes the stomach acids, and raises the pH in the small intestine to just slightly acidic (about 5.5), which is the chemical environment in which the pancreatic enzymes work best. The gallbladder simultaneously secretes bile into the small intestine, which helps to emulsify dietary fats and fat-soluble vitamins so that they can be well absorbed from the intestine.
Paradoxically, if the material coming from the stomach is not acidic enough, a weak signal to the pancreas is generated. This prevents enough bicarbonate from being produced, resulting in a pH that is not alkaline enough for optimal pancreatic enzyme function.
Provides Enzymes for Proper Digestion
In addition to the different protein, fat, and complex carbohydrate digesting enzymes included in Digestive Formula, it also supplies a proprietary blend of beneficial microflora in a stabilized media including whole-leaf Aloe vera, beet root, and lecithin.
Suggestions for use:
Digestive Formula may be taken on a routine basis to provide additional support for healthy digestion. Most people take 1 tablet with small meals and 2 tablets with larger ones, though more can be taken if desired. If stomach discomfort increases after taking Digestive Formula, discontinue use and consult a health care practitioner.
The old saying “you are what you eat” is only partly true; you are what you eat, digest, and assimilate. Healthy digestion is fundamental to good health. Try Digestive Formula for a month or two and see if it makes a difference. If it does, you and your entire body will be glad you did!
1. Sturniolo GC, Montino MC, Rosssetto L, et al. Inhibition of gastric acid secretion reduces zinc absorption in man. J Am Coll Nutr 1991; 10
2. Allison JR. The relation of hydrochloric acid and vitamin B complex deficiency in certain skin conditions. South Med J 1945; 38
3. Giannella RA. Influence of gastric acidity on bacterial and parasitic enteric infections. A perspective. Ann Intern Med 1973; 78
4. Stockbruegger RW. Bacterial overgrowth as a consequence of reduced gastric acidity. Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl 1985; 111
5. Suarez F, Levitt MD, Adshead J, Barkin JS. Pancreatic supplements reduce symptomatic response of healthy subjects to a high fat meal. Dig Dis Sci 1999;44:1317–21.
6. Heinicke RM, Levand O, Sugai R, Larson C. Supplementary proteases and gastric digestion. Exp Med Surg 1967;25(1):156-68
DIRECTIONS: One tablet at the beginning of or during each meal. More tablets can be taken if desired. Store in a cool dry place and keep tightly closed. Do not refrigerate.
Each tablet contains ACTIVE ENZYMES (Pancreatin, Pancrelipase, Pepsin, Amylase, Papain, Bromelain, and Lipase), NATURAL BUFFERING AGENTS (Betaine HCl, Glycine, L-Glutamic Acid and Calcium Carbonate), BENEFICIAL LACTOBACILLUS MICRO-FLORA (L.salivarius, L.acidophilus DDS-1™, L.bulgaricus and Bifidobacterium bifidum), and SYNERGISTIC INGREDIENTS (Bile, Lecithin, Peppermint Leaf, Aloe Vera, and Beet Root).
This unique formula releases ingredients in two separate and distinct phases consistent with the natural digestive tract anatomy and ecology.
Formulated in the exclusive PhytoZyme™ base of plant enzymes for bioavailability and over 30 synergistic fruit, vegetable and herbal concentrates for "extra" phytonutrient cofactors.
Contains no artificial preservatives, sugar, starch, caffeine, salt, wheat, gluten, yeast, corn, milk, egg, shellfish, artificial sweetening, flavoring or coloring agents.
Not Tested on Animals. Contains no ingredients from animal sources other than Porcine Bile, Pancreatin, Pancrelipase, and Pepsin.

Digestive Formula*
90 Capsules
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 45
Amount Per Serving
n˙zimes™ (a proprietary blend) 484 mg +
Amylase (10,000 DU)
Gluocoamylase (30 AGU)
Protease 4.5 (30,000 HUT)
Protease 3.0 (50 SAPU)
Invertase (400 SU)
Malt diastase (900 DP)
Protease 6.0 (conc.) (16,000 HUT)
Pectinase (40 endo-PGU)
Papain (1,000,000 FCCPU)
Lipase (900 CU)
Alpha-galactosidase (100 GalU)
Bromelain (300,000 FCCPU)
Lactase (800 ALU)
Peptidase (1,000 HUT)
A Probiotic Blend 57 mg +
Lactobacillus acidophilus (200 million c.f.u.)
Lactobacillus bulgaricus (150 million c.f.u.)
Streptococcus themophilus (150 million c.f.u.)
CereCalase™ (a proprietary blend) (600 MU) 30 mg +
Hemicellulase, beta-glucanase, phytase
RBC NonoCluster® Blend 16 mg +
Potassium citrate, potassium carbonate, silica, purified water, magnesium sulfate, sunflower seed oil.
+ Daily Value not established.
Other Ingredients: Rice bran, gelatin, water.
*Daily Value not established
INGREDIENTS: Betaine HCl, Pancrelipase (Porcine), Pancreatin 6X (N.F.) (Porcine), Pepsin (Porcine), Dicalcium Phosphate, Amylase, Bile (Porcine), Bromelain, Papain, Lipase, Silica, Calcium Carbonate, L-Glutamic Acid, ProBioTxT Stabilized Probiotic Blend (Each serving providing over two hundred million (200,000,000) beneficial micro-flora including Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1T, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and Lactobacillus salivarius), Microcrystalline Cellulose, Stearic Acid, Glycerin, Magnesium Stearate, Polyvinylpyrrolidone, Aloe Vera Leaf, Beet (Beta vulgaris rubra L.) Root, L-Glycine, Lecithin (Soya), Peppermint Leaf, Natural Carmel and Vanilla Flavor, and PhytoZymeT proprietary blend (Bromelain, Papain, Aloe Vera, Alfalfa, Parsley, and vegetable and fruit concentrates from Carrots, Broccoli, Spinach, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Celery, Beet, Chili Pepper, Green Bean, Pea, Sweet Potato, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Snow Pea, Tomato, Zucchini, Lima Beans, Mushroom, Banana, Cantaloupe, Cranberry, Guava, Lemon, Mango, Orange, Papaya, Peach, Pineapple and Grapefruit).
Formulated in the proprietary PhytoZymeT base of special herbs, synergistic phytonutrient co-factors from fruits and vegetables plus plant enzymes papain, bromelain, and lysozyme for bioavailability. Contains no artificial preservatives, sucrose, sugar, starch, salt, wheat, gluten, yeast, corn, milk, egg, shellfish, soya derivatives, artificial flavoring or coloring agents.
Because heat destroys the activity of many vitamins, enzymes and phytonutrients, Life Plus employs only cold processing manufacturing techniques. Even though cold processing is costly and time consuming, it is the standard procedure at Life Plus.
Our unique product line utilizes only the highest quality materials which are as natural as possible. They are formulated in the most synergistic way to provide optimum nutritional results. Because our products are manufactured in-house, we can naturally guarantee potency and quality. Our formulas are pH balanced, hypoallergenic, synergistic and contain no artificial additives. We use only natural and naturally derived manufacturing aids.
The Life Plus nutritional product line is complete, but not complex. Active enzymes, nutritional precursors and phytonutrients are important components of each unique Life Plus formula.
Digestion Formula
Enzyme and Probiotic Support
For Complete Digestion of Protein, Fat & Carbohydrates
- Plant enzymes for complete digestion
- Probiotics for healthy immunity
- Resolves common digestive issues
When taken with food:
Facilitates proper digestion
Reduces gas
Reduces bloating
Facilitates absorption of nutrients and energy into the blood stream
Elimination of chronic heartburn due to inadequate digestion
Reduces adverse food reactions
Controls some food allergies
When taken without food:
Aids inflammation reduction
Assists immune function
Promotes digestion of bacteria, toxins and partly digested proteins
Without the action of enzymes, life could not exist. Each enzyme in the body works like a “specialist” taking care of a specific function. Therefore our bodies produce a great number of different enzymes, each with a unique job description. Carbohydrates (sugars) are broken down by enzymes knows as Amylase. Proteins are broken down by enzymes known as Protease. Fats are broken down by enzymes knows as Lipase. Our bodies produce enzymes and we also obtain enzymes from the raw plant food we eat. When the body fails to produce adequate levels of digestive enzymes, supplementation can facilitate proper digestion.
Suggested usage: 2 capsules prior to each meal or a directed by a health practitioner. Keep out of reach of children.
Digestion Formula
Digestion Formula is a unique blend of enzymes and beneficial bacteria designed to support optimal digestive health. Your body needs live enzymes and probiotics to digest your foods, but they are not often found in today's modern diet. Digestion Formula gives you the nutrients your body needs to support digestion and ease the symptoms of digestive discomfort. You can have more energy, a stronger immune system, and fewer digestive upsets when you use Digestion Formula.*
If you are one of the millions of Americans who experience poor digestion, you may already know the toll this can take on your energy level and your overall health. There are many products designed to mask the symptoms of indigestion, but Digestion Formula from RBC is different. It gets to the root of the problem by supplying your body with a powerful blend of enzymes and probiotics, which are both vital for healthy and complete digestion.
By taking 1 – 2 capsules of Digestion Formula with your meals, you can experience:
• Improved digestion
• Fewer episodes of gas, bloating, and intestinal discomfort
• Enhanced energy as more nutrients are available to your body
• A stronger immune system
• Greater mental clarity, particularly after meals
• A reduction in allergy symptoms*
Digestion Formula takes a total look at digestive health providing the enzymes and friendly bacteria that will support your body through all stages of digestion.
• These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Digestion Formula (Enzyme and Probiotic Support)Dietary Supplement with BBC NanoCluster®。它是美国RBC Life Sciences 运用NANO Technology(纳米科技)研制而成的益生菌与酶的天然营养补充品。Digestion Formula*不仅含有人体新陈代谢所需要的酶,及帮助消化各种食物的酶,还含有多种益生菌。它们的种类之多和含量之高,远远超过市面同类产品。纳米科技的运用使得Digestion Formula*的所有成分能迅速被人体所完全吸收,发挥最大的功效。Digestion Formula*对胃酸、胃胀、反胃、消化不良、便秘等症状效果特佳,并且还具有修补细胞和器官、排毒等作用。饭前半小时服用一粒,能帮助肠胃消化食物;饭后两小时服用,则可修补细胞、器官,排除体内毒素。
市场零售价:$ 36
优惠顾客价:$ 31
会员订货价:$ 27.30
Digestion Formula
The Advantage of using 'NANO Technology'
In nature, the makeup of nutritional materials is complex. From the humble potato with it’s long chain glucose molecules forming starches to the amino acids forming complex proteins as found in a piece of steak. To absorb the nutrition from these foods our body has developed an extensive ‘digestive system’ to break down the nutritional material into its base form so it can be absorbed into our bodies and be used within our physiology. This is done by our digestive system producing and containing substances which act on the food and supplement particles breaking it down small enough to be absorbed. Our digestive system produces bile, which acts on fats to break it down into tiny globules so it can be absorbed into our body and also we produce various enzymes to break down proteins and carbohydrates. Any nutritional materials that are not broken down fully by the enzymes are then passed to bacteria in our digestive system whose job is to break down the remaining particles. Unfortunately, because bacteria are living organisms like ourselves, to survive they need nutrition like us. Thus they pinch some of it for their own needs. Therefore our digestive system can become very inefficient. Another problem with this system however, is that it is not controlled. That is to say, for example, if a food or supplement contains an important nutrient for our body, but it is contained within the structure of that food or supplement, how are the enzymes going to know when to stop breaking down the food or supplement when that nutrient structure has been reached? Also, if that food is very complex in structure and the enzymes don’t break it down fully, bacteria then have the job of breaking it down. The answer is the enzymes and bacteria don't know when to stop breaking down the nutritional material when they come across an important nutrient. It's a game of hit and miss. Most likely, the nutrient is further broken down into its base components and its health benefits are lost!
NANO Technology allows us to bypass this system by manufacturing exact nutrients whose particle sizes are smaller than what our digestive system can produce which allows for direct absorption straight into our body. No more being mislead by food and nutritional companies saying that their product contains X nutrient or Y nutrient only to find that none of it, or maybe only a small portion of it, will actually enter our body because of the processing it undergoes in our digestive system.
Another problem, especially with nutritional supplements, even though they may be an isolation of X nutrient or Y nutrient, the particle sizes of the supplement material are still too big to be absorbed directly into our bodies. This is because when the material is manufactured, 1 particle of the material may be made up of 1000 molecules of the X nutrient or Y nutrient. It still has to be broken down within our digestive system to be absorbed. This process takes time because it must become soluble to be absorbed. Some of the nutrients will be absorbed through ionisation of the material through increased osmotic effects of water being drawn into the intestinal area to dissolve some of the particles, while the rest are then excreted out of our body. ‘X nutrient or Y nutrient then goes down the toilet!’
NANO Technology allows us to isolate X nutrient or Y nutrient into particles small enough to be fully absorbed, so you get maximum health benefits from it.
Digestion Formula with enzymes and probiotics
Digestion Formula is the most advanced and complete formula available to restore the body’s enzyme supply and intestinal flora. The nutrients in Digestion Formula encourage proper digestion and strengthen the immune system.
Antioxidant Activity
NOTE: Most people take two capsules with each meal.
If you eat a meal or snack that is completely raw and organic, there is no need to take this supplement. If your meal is only partially raw, however, take one of these capsules with the meal. The body considers digestion a priority. Other processes – including the immune system, energy production and even brain function – all wait while the body digests food.
When digestion is functioning properly, food is broken down and nutrients are made available for metabolism, cell renewal, and healing without undue stress on the body.
Unfortunately, due to the way our foods are grown and processed, toxins in the environment, and emotional factors like stress and anger, digestion can be an internal battleground. More than 70 million Americans experience regular digestive problems, from recurring symptoms of bloating and gas, to diarrhea, stomach cramps, or the more severe digestive disorders which cause close to 200,000 deaths and 13 percent of hospitalizations each year.
Antioxidant Activity
Enzyme Deficiency
Often, digestive problems are a sign of enzyme depletion. Enzymes are not only crucial to digestion; they are the catalysts that allow the body to breathe, reproduce, and generate energy. Nothing in the body works without enzymes. Virtually every individual is deficient in these vital protein molecules. Stress, caffeine, and alcohol can destroy enzymes. Cooked and processed foods are among the most serious threats to our enzyme supply. Raw foods contain enzymes that enhance digestion. However, cooked foods, which make up the bulk of the modern diet, are devoid of enzymes, so the body must draw from its limited supply of digestive enzymes. As this supply is depleted, in order to accomplish digestion, the body must rely on metabolic enzymes. When this occurs, other bodily processes are compromised, disease is more common and aging is more pronounced.
Dr. Edward Howell, who spent over forty years studying the effects of enzymes on health, said "Humans eating an enzyme-less diet use up a tremendous amount of their enzyme potential in lavish secretions of the pancreas and other digestive organs. The result is a shortened life span (65 years or less, compared to 100+), illness, and lowered resistance to stress of all types, psychological and environmental."
Antioxidant Activity
Enzyme Replenishment
Enzyme supplementation has been heralded as the way to avoid countless health concerns. However, many enzyme supplements fail to address the full scope of the problem and don’t supply what is needed to replenish the enzyme stores.
Digestion Formula from RBC Life Sciences is a totally unique, health-promoting way to achieve nutritional digestive support. First, Digestion Formula contains the full complex of necessary enzymes. Enzymes are substrate specific, meaning certain kinds of enzymes work on different foods. For example, the enzyme protease catalyzes the hydrolytic breakdown of proteins. Our formula also includes the enzyme peptidase to complete the process, breaking down peptides into useable amino acids.
Similarly, amylase breaks down carbohydrates to disaccharides. Along with amylase, RBC has included the needed lactase, invertase and malt diastase to complete the process, digesting the disaccharides into the simple sugars the body can use.
The enzyme cellulase has been added to Digestion Formula to assist the body in digesting fiber. The enzyme lipase accomplishes the task of breaking down fat to free fatty acids that the body needs.
Another enzyme in Digestion Formula, alpha galactosidase, is an innovative addition to our formulation. Until recently, this was a patented ingredient and was not available for general use. It has been proven to successfully help the body deal with indigestion and gas caused by foods such as beans, cabbage, and other vegetables.
Ginger root is another important ingredient. Ginger root has traditionally been used to cleanse the colon, stimulate circulation and reduce spasms and cramps and has been recommended as a treatment for colitis, diverticulitis, nausea, gas, indigestion, vomiting and menstrual cramps.
Antioxidant Activity
Exclusive Mineral Blend
Digestion Formula contains an exclusive mineral blend – including the amino acid chelate form of zinc, copper, manganese, and iron from blackstrap molasses. In-depth research indicates these particular minerals may increase digestion of carbohydrates and protein by more than fifty percent.
Antioxidant Activity
Intestinal Health
With this full spectrum of enzymes and RBC’s unique mineral blend, Digestion Formula is already the most complete digestive aid on the market. However, there’s more. We’ve included additional nutrients to ensure complete support of the intestinal environment. A healthy intestine contains bacteria to help complete the digestive process, to eliminate toxins and to actually produce enzymes.
In case your own intestinal flora have been made vulnerable by poor eating habits, Royal BodyCare has included four bacterial strains recommended by Dr. Khem Shahani, an expert in friendly bacteria. Customers who are lactose intolerant will benefit particularly from the enzyme, lactase, needed to digest dairy products.
No other digestive formulation takes such a total look at digestive health, providing the enzymes, minerals and friendly bacteria that will support the body through all the stages of digestion.
Item Code: 1601
Retail Price: $36.00
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