The Importance of Colon Cleanse
Colon health, regular bowel movements and internal cleansing are, understandably, not popular conversation topics in western culture. It is not a subject that one even discusses with their doctor very often, nor is it adequately addressed in the medical field. The medical profession prefers to see the colon as something that is left alone until a specific adverse symptom, treatable with drugs and/or surgery is diagnosed. Thus, with respect to digestive health, one's overall health, energy and well-being are often overlooked, and somehow considered unimportant.
The importance of the colon to overall bodily health cannot be emphasized enough. In fact, total health cannot be achieved without a systematic approach to colon care. The colon is an organ of digestion. All of the food we eat passes through the colon where it is broken down by bacteria, digestive acids and enzymes. Nutrients from the food we consume are absorbed through the co Ion into the bloodstream and then carried throughout the body.
The colon is also an organ of elimination. Not only is the colon responsible for absorbing nutrients, but it is also responsible for elimination of wastes and toxins, keeping "unfriendly" bacteria in check, and for creating valuable chemical products like 'friendly' lactobacteria and vitamins K and B12. The body cannot function optimally unless the colon is in good health. It is estimated that over 95% of the population have unhealthy colons---and many have parasites, being far more common than anyone realizes. A nationwide study reveals that one in every six people studied have parasites living somewhere in the body.
Colon Toxicity Time Bomb
Most colons resemble a sewage system and are loaded with impacted, putrefying decay, toxic material, toxic gas, parasites and other unhealthy conditions. The reason this is so is due to many factors---the highly processed, refined, nutrient-deficient foods that we eat; stress; environmental hazards; lack of exercise; consumption of antibiotics and other toxic pharmaceuticals; over-eating; inadequate water intake; eating late at night; and many other reasons. The following is a list of common causes of colon toxicity:
Poor diet. Poor diet includes dead, cooked, devitalized, clogging, low fiber foods, fried foods, and foods tainted with synthetic chemicals. These, unlike live foods (fresh fruits and vegetables), lack the proper enzymes that assist in proper digestion and assimilation, lack the fiber or bulk to assist in proper elimination, and are void of essential vitamins, minerals, and other basic nutrients.
Synthetic chemicals in food, and environmental pollutants. A clean, strong system can metabolize and excrete many pollutants, but when the body is weak or constipated, they are stored as unusable substances. As more and different chemicals enter the body, they tend to interact with those already there, forming mutant, second generation chemicals that can be far more harmful than the originals. In recent years, evidence has shown that most bowel cancer is caused by environmental agents.
Constipation. The colon is the body's sewage system. If this system backs up, toxins become trapped in file colon. Chronic constipation means that these toxins are fermenting and decaying in the colon, often being reabsorbed into the bloodstream, which then pollutes other tissues and cells. An overload of inadequately excreted body wastes and metabolic by-products means that these wastes can become a breeding ground for parasite infestation.
Slowed elimination time. Slow bowel transit time allows waste material to ferment, become rancid, and then re-circulate through the body as toxic substances. Ideally, one should eliminate as often as a meal is taken. Bowel transit time should be approximately twelve hours.
Over-consumption. Over-eating puts a great amount of stress on our digestive system. The body must produce hydrochloric acid, pancreatic enzymes, bile and other digestive factors to process a meal. When we over-eat, the digestive system finds it hard to meet the demands placed upon it. The stomach bloats as the digestive system goes into turmoil. Foods are not properly broken down and tend to lodge in the lower intestines. Vital nutrients are then not absorbed.
Inadequate water intake. Water makes up 65 to 75% of the human body. It is second only to oxygen in order of importance to life. Water cleanses the inside of the body as well as the outside. It is instrumental in flushing out wastes and toxins. When the body is not receiving enough water, toxins tend to stagnate, hindering all digestive and eliminative processes. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day is recommended.
Stress. Stress effects every cell and tissue in the body. Stress breaks down the immune system as well as the body's organs. It robs the body of important vitamins and minerals, and over time, can cause severe acid build-up. Stress hinders proper digestion, absorption and elimination of foods by throwing the digestive system out of balance. The worst thing a person can do is to eat a meal while experiencing extreme stress. Nutrients will not be fully absorbed creating a state of congestion in your system.
Antibiotics. Antibiotics have a damaging effect on the intestines, especially if they are taken for extensive periods of time, or if many different courses are taken over a period of years. Their prescribed purpose is to eliminate unhealthy bacteria that cause illness in the body. However, antibiotics can not discriminate between the unhealthy and the healthy, necessary, good bacteria. They strip the colon of ALL intestinal flora. This puts the digestive and eliminative system out of balance, creating problems in the colon and in the entire intestinal tract.
Lack of exercise. Exercise strengthens the entire body. It stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic system, building muscles, nerves, blood, glands, lungs, heart, brain, mind and mood. Blood is pumped throughout the body by the heart, but lymphatic fluid depends solely on exercise to be circulated. Lack of exercise lowers metabolic efficiency, and without circulatory stimulation, the body's natural cleansing systems are weakened.
Eating late at night. The human body uses sleep to repair, rebuild and restore itself. In essence, the body uses the sleeping hours to cleanse and build. When a person goes to sleep with a full stomach, the body is not at rest. Instead, it is actually busy digesting and processing food. This inhibits the vital cleansing, building and restorative processes that normall3~ occur while one is asleep. In addition, the body requires gravity to assist with the digestion of foods and its passage from the stomach down the digestive tract. If one is asleep, food cannot move very well. Instead, the food sits in the stomach, decomposing. The result can be severe indigestion and gas, a slowing down of the digestive system and mal-absorption.
Why Should I Care About my Colon?
Most colons are ridden with unfriendly bacteria that inhibits the assimilation of nutrients, throws the body's digestion system out of balance and eventually leads to disease. When unhealthy bacteria is in control, it is impossible to achieve optimum health. Further, many health and nutrition experts believe that the colon is the hub of the human body, and claim that toxic buildup in the bowels is a precursor to various types of degenerative diseases.
Proper bowel function means having 2 to 3 good bowel movements per day. Most people are not aware of this, and go through life eliminating once a day, or even as little as once per week! This practice has been proven to be very unhealthy. When we do not eliminate properly, wastes may not be expelled for days, weeks, months, or even years! The result is that wastes and toxins can become clogged in the colon, leading to auto-intoxication (self-poisoning). When the walls become encrusted with fecal matter, absorption of vital nutrients is hampered and unhealthy bacteria proliferate.
Can you imagine what it would be like if we did not empty our kitchen garbage? What if we kept throwing more and more garbage on top of the old? Wouldn't our homes start smelling like a garbage dump? The same thing happens with a constipated, clogged-up colon. The toxic wastes have nowhere to go, so they build up in the bowel. Over time, the bowel becomes stretched and inflated, be coming misshapen, as it tries to accommodate all the backed-up waste material. The result is that wastes and toxins are absorbed by the blood vessels in the lining of the colon, back into the body. This auto-intoxication lowers our overall feeling of health and vitality.
How do I Know if I Need to Cleanse?
All of the organs and tissues in the body are fed by the bloodstream, and if the blood is dirty as a result of a malfunctioning bowel the body becomes dirty, and we become unhealthy. Obvious symptoms of an unhealthy digestive system include: constipation; bloated stomach; fatigue; poor skin (skin rashes, sensitivity and sallowness); lower backache; body odor; poor digestion and food assimilation; reduced immune response; gas; weight gain; poor memory and mental dullness; depression; insomnia, coated tongue; and bad breath. And, although any of these symptoms alone may not necessarily indicate colon distress, together they are a strong indication of the need to consider it.
Education is the Key:
Perfect dietary and lifestyle habits, stress management, and a proper exercise program cannot be incorporated into a person's daily regime overnight. However, an increased awareness of particular health tools and their positive benefits will serve many individuals for the rest of their lives.
Let's face it, in the western world today, we have become accustomed to a certain lifestyle. We tend to enjoy eating rich and flavorful foods, most of which are fat and sugar-laden (both of which can, in large quantities, play havoc with internal health). We enjoy hamburgers and hot dogs, ice cream and rich desserts, chocolate, coffee and other caffeinated drinks. We often overeat, particularly at Thanksgiving and Christmas, on special occasions, or when we eat out (especially at "All you can eat" buffets). We generally only drink water when we feel thirsty (lack of thirst does not indicate that you don't need water), and although we do it, we are generally bored by exercise. The affluence and abundance in western culture has taught us many bad habits. And, we cannot change them all overnight. The key is to be mindful of what we put in our bodies, and try to make positive incremental changes to our lifestyles. The result for most people who undertake positive changes in diet, exercise and stress management is enhanced well-being, energy, vigor, happiness, increased immunity, a decrease in flu, colds and infections.
The key to optimal health is to balance what we love with what we know to be good for us. Fresh fruits and vegetables; high quality nutritional supplementation including green foods, vitamins, minerals and herbs; plenty of pure water; regular exercise; relaxation and meditation are all important. Periodic detoxification involving nutritionally based internal cleansing programs is also important, as are sweating, fasting, colonics and enemas.
Beginning an Internal Cleansing and Detoxification Program
A high fiber, whole foods diet is important to both cure and prevent waste elimination problems. Even a gentle, gradual change from low fiber, low residue foods helps almost immediately. In fact, graduated change is better than a sudden, drastic about-face, especially when the colon area is painful or inflamed.
There are many cleansing programs that one can take in order to bring the digestive system back to health. As we have discussed, making an effort to restore balance to the colon can have a profound effect on overall health and vitality. Royal BodyCare (now RBC Life Sciences), in partnership with Dr. Albert Zehr, have developed a three-phase, 14-clay program that simplifies colon cleansing and activates elimination. Colo-Vada Plus is a comprehensive, self-contained, all-in-one system complete with vitamins, minerals, herbs, acidophilus and digestive enzymes that works effectively. As with many RBC Life Sciences products, the inflow of positive testimonials from those who have tried the Colo-Vada Plus program is almost endless. Many people report incredible results after having been on the 14-day program--more energy and "zip", improved regularity, brighter eyes and better skin, less fatigue, and a greater sense of well-being.
Colo-Vada Plus
Restoring balance to the digestive system cannot take place overnight. Nor can it be achieved with drugs, surgery or injections. Restoring intestinal flora, reducing harmful bacteria and parasites, and improving regularity takes time and patience. With a little dedication and education, you can restore balance to your colon, sending a rippling effect throughout the body. If you feel that you could benefit from more energy, a greater sense of well-being and improved overall health, you may benefit from a good cleanse.
Colo-Vada Plus is three-phase program of nutritional supplementation, designed to last for 14 days. For the first 7 days, the preparation phase, herbs and vitamins are taken with the morning and evening meal. The following 4 days is the program phase, a fast, and involves adding 1 pouch of Colo-Vada Plus powder to water or unsweetened juice, four times a day. No other solid foods, and no other liquids, except unsweetened juices, mild herbal teas or water should be consumed during this period. The last 3 days is the post-program phase. Nutritional supplements are taken twice a day. Easily digestible foods should be eaten for the first two days of this period, returning to proteins like meat and dairy products gradually. At the end of this period, normal dietary and supplement patterns may be resumed.
The Colo-Vada Plus program's nutritional approach to colon regeneration includes many herbs and vitamins well-known for their powerful health-giving benefits, such as Alfalfa, Black Walnut, Cascara Sagrada, Acidophilus and vitamin C.
Completing the Colo-Vada Plus program is the best way to start a life-long program of internal health. However, there are many other supplements that one should consider in order to keep the digestive system clean and healthy indefinitely. Enzyme-rich live foods, foods which contain healthy bacteria (like Sauerkraut, Rejuvelac, etc), Spirulina and other green food supplements, should all be considered.

Program 2 Colo-Vada Plus
What on earth haven't we been offered today to cleanse our body! Various diets, cleansing programs by Semyonova, Malahov and other authors, hydrocolonotherapy etc. So, what's the difference between other programs and “Colo-Vada”, due to which our company was awarded a diploma of Russian Ministry of Public Health for a body cleansing system?
It consists of several phases; it's functional, physiological and effective. It cleanses not only the entire gastrointestinal tract but also the entire body on the cellular level.
The author of the program is a Canadian scientist, Doctor Albert Zer.
Let's consider some facts:
Since a present day person mostly feeds on refined, thermally processed food that is lacking in live enzymes, the digestive process suffers. As a result, human’s intestines pile up from 4 to 19 kg underdigested protein waste materials that undergo the process of rotting and accumulating metabolic waste which, getting into the blood, cause chronic intoxication of the body.
“Colo-Vada” helps the body eliminate toxic accumulations. While taking “Colo-Vada” people lose on the average 2–8kg, first of all, due to elimination of this waste. Besides, the program contains herbs, which help bind and eliminate toxins from the cells of the heart, liver, brain and other organs.
According to opinion of some authors in different countries, from 80 to 95% of population suffer from a parasitic infection.
According to the data presented by Royal Medical Academy of Great Britain, 85% of the country's population are affected by a parasitic infection.
Nowadays, medical men all over the world are anxious about this situation; they think there's a quiet parasitic epidemic.
According to the data presented by World Health Organization, parasites
are the most common cause (from 50 to 100 %) of oncological diseases with different localization.
A parasitic infection is very dangerous because a person doesn't have any obvious symptoms of it quite for long, so he doesn't fight with it; besides, parasites are our competitors in fight for nutrients. They grow fast, multiply and poison us with their waste products.
If we feed an ascarid with vitamins A, C, E, its “life span” will increase by 3 times, and a female of fish worm will lay about 1 million eggs.
“Colo-Vada” Program helps to eliminate parasites not through the use of toxic chemical substances but through the use of natural means, such as “Black walnut leaves” that also strengthens our immune system and contains 8 times more vitamin C than black currants.
Nowadays, it's difficult to find a person who doesn’t use antibiotics both as a medicine and, unintentionally, as a constituent of long shelf life products. As a result, we have a vast spread of dysbacteriosis – breach of quality and quantity composition of wholesome for a man flora (Lactobacillus and L.bifidus).
Probiotics perform a great number of functions in our body. They help t decompose and digest food, produce vitamins (for instance, coliform bacillus produces 8 B-group vitamins), bind poisons,: they are a part of a person's immune system, protecting the body from growth of pathogenic flora.
Besides probiotics, “Colo-Vada” Program contains their food – cellulose in the form of alfalfa.
Unfortunately, those, who took numerous cleansing programs, know how difficult it is to safely eliminate complex particles, to say nothing of the smallest toxic substances, which are excreted on the mucous membrane of the stomach.
The cleansing program contains a “Colo-Vada” powder, a powerful absorbent that swells in the gastrointestinal tract, reducing appetite, and mildly and profoundly cleansing the body of the smallest toxic substances.
Partial loss of nutrients and exhaustive work of fermentative system accompany any cleansing program.
“Colo-Vada” Program contains not only a wide spectrum of vitamins, macro and micronutrients but also some sufficient doses of enzymes to regenerate and optimize the function of the entire digestive system.
So, what does the entire cleansing program look like and what is the final result of it?
The first 10 days – 2 weeks we carry out a preliminary desintoxication, daily drinking 1,5 litter of water, containing coral “Alka-Mine” and “HydroCel”. It helps us dilute blood and lymph and prepare the transport system for more effective elimination of toxins and poisons.
Then come two weeks of profound cleansing by “Colo-Vada” Program.
In a month, you’ll hardly recognize yourself! You have a sound sleep, you are full of energy, you’ve got rid of an unpleasant smell of sweat, a bad mouth smell, there appears a youthful complexion, the protruding belly has become flat, at last you have seen your waist, blood tension has come to its norm, you aren't more short- winded. Many people get rid of their cysts. Polyps and cysts are indexes of the fourth stage of internal pollution.
Moreover, the function of the hormonal system is also restoring. In many families suffering from chronic sterility, there appear so long -awaited children.
You must realize that it's impossible to cleanse the body once and for good. Our world isn’t sterile, that's why as we do a major cleaning of the house two times a year, we should also profoundly cleanse our body not less than two times a year.

Colo-Vada Plus: Colon Cleanse
Clean your body of its internal pollution, improve absorption of nutrients from your food and supplements, and regain your vitality and good health. The Colo-Vada Cleanse is designed to simplify the process of cleansing your colon. Many people do not realize how vitally important it is to have a clean and properly functioning colon, but poisons from the colon can harm your body in many ways. Symptoms such as joint stiffness, bad breath, skin conditions, muscle weakness, and fatigue can all be signs of an overly toxic colon. A toxic or improperly working colon is believed to cause 90% of all diseases, yet it is the greatest overlooked cause of disease in the country. The Colo-Vada Program can restore healthy colon functioning in three easy to follow phases. Each one is in harmony with normal body function so there is little interference with regular daily activity. The Colo-Vada Program is complete with vitamins, minerals, herbs, acidophilus, and digestive enzymes. Experience this fourteen day program, as thousands already have.
The Colo-Vada Plus Program
The 14-day way to:
Health Restoration through Colon Evacuation
The Colo-Vada Plus Program is designed to generate a progressive cleansing effect on the body. It does this in three steps or phases. These steps are in complete harmony with normal body function so that there is very little interference with normal routine or daily activity.
It may be hard to comprehend that so much can be taking place in one's body with so little sensation. The most significant sensation one should realize is the new sense of vigor and well-being after the Program has been completed.
Although the entire Program may be completed by simply following the instruction given, the details given here explain why the Colo-Vada Plus Program is such a significant experience and how it can assure benefit to everyone who will take it.
The Colo-Vada Plus Program, a 14-day, 3-phase program, is a simple yet effective way to create a body environment which promotes the discharge of accumulated waste materials from the colon and bowels. The Program is designed for normal situations and should allow the participant to maintain a nearly normal daily routine. If a significant problem is involved, a more severe program may be required and a doctor or other professional help should be sought.
The Program revolves around the ingredients in the Colo-Vada powder. These ingredients team together to perform a proper colon cleansing which may be a great asset in the maintenance of optimum health.
Phase 1 -- Preparation ( 7 days )
14 packets, each containing: 1 Ultimate - is an all-natural mega-vitamin/mineral tablet to assure nutritional balance throughout the entire program. 1 Vitamin C 500 mg - is an anti-oxidant and infection fighter and is important to maintain resistance to the toxic activity generated by the cleansing process. 1 Mega Acidophilus (one billion) - helps to maintain a positive bacteria environment in the intestine. 1 Cascara Sagrada - acts as a natural laxative, softening the stools and lubricating the bowels with a soothing, healing oil. 2 Alfalfa - a broad base of minerals and is also a source of chlorophyl, sometimes referred to as stored sunshine. 2 Herbal Combination #2 - is a combination consisting of Garlic, Chaparral, Fenugreek, Quassia, Red Sage, Black Cohosh and Golden Seal. Traditional use of these herbs has been for general cleansing of the body. 2 Black Walnut Leaves- are regarded as one of nature's most effective ways to help the body rid itself of parasites. The rich manganese content make Black Walnut excellent for bilious and intestinal cramping.
Suggested Procedure: Take 2 preparation packets ( 10 tablets each ) per day, one with the morning meal and one with the evening meal. This Phase prepares the body for cleansing. It draws the toxic build-up from the entire system and brings it to the colon. It brings the body into a good nutritional state and also brings the colon and bowels into proper function. If stools become too loose, take only one Cascara Sagrada per day.
Phase 2 -- Cleansing ( 4 days )
8 packets, each containing: the same as Phase 1 but with only one Combination #2 and one Black Walnut Leaves. Plus: 16 packets of 12 g of Colo-Vada Powder.
Colo-Vada Powder consists of: (A) 5.5 g of Kaolin Clay which acts like a magnetic sponge, removing toxins from the digestive tract. This amazing substance absorbs up to forty times its own weight in toxic substances! It loosens stagnant material and lifts hardened mucoid off the colon wall. Kaolin is presently the only clay approved for human consumption by the U.S. F.D.A. (B) 6.5 g of Mucavada, a hydrophilic mucilloid, consists of Psyllium Husk Powder, Prune Powder and Citrus Rind. It removes the material which Kaolin Clay has loosened. It swells enormously with water, forming a bulky, jelly-like medium that has the amazing ability to absorb large quantities of sticky, gluey mucoid and still maintain its slippery non-sticky, lubricating nature. The resulting redissolved waste can then be passed easily from the body.
Suggested Procedure: (A) Add 1 pouch of Colo-Vada powder to one glass of water or unsweetened fruit or vegetable juice. Shake vigorously and drink immediately; then follow with a glass of water. Take four times daily or every three hours. (B) Take 2 program packets ( 8 tablets each ) per day. If regularity is a problem, an enema of tepid water (body temperature) each night may be helpful. Take no solid food and no other liquids except unsweetened juices, mild herbal teas or water. The powder will swell up in your system and you should not feel empty. Take at least one glass of water during intervals between dosages.
Phase 3 -- Restoration ( 3 days )
6 packets, each containing: the same as Phase 2, except with additional Mega Acidophilus and 1 Digestable (called Enzymatic in Canada) but without Combination #2 and Black Walnut Leaves. The additional Mega Acidophilus is intended to help restore the intestinal flora which may be somewhat reduced by the intense cleansing in Phase 2. Pepsin-Plus is a digestive supplement containing Papain, Pepsin, Bile Salts, Pancreatin, Betaine Hydrochloride. These digestive enzymes assure good digestion following the Phase 2 juice diet.
Suggested Procedure: Take a post-Program packet ( 8 tablets ) twice a day for three days after which a normal supplement program can be resumed. To give the digestive system a chance to gradually resume its normal workload, it is preferred that only raw and lightly cooked vegetables be eaten on days 12 through 14, and that proteins such as eggs, meats, etc. be returned to gradually and only in small portions on day 13.
If the colon is congested and bowel function is poor, the Colo-Vada Plus Program may be repeated once every two months. Otherwise, a twice yearly program is recommended to maintain good bowel function.
Do not mix the ingredients beforehand - they will gel within minutes. If you need to take them to work, mix them just prior to use.
By the end of the Ninth Day and especially on Days 10 and 11, you should begin to see dramatic results. Check your stools for information and encouragement. Don't be shy. Your inside story is your business, and the information it yields may be of great help to your future health.
For more intense cleansing, a daily enema is encouraged.
If food must be taken due to sugar imbalance or other conditions, please refer to enclosed "User's Guide".

Colo-Vada Plus®
14 Day Total Body Cleanse
• Helps pull admaging toxins out of the body
• Cleanses waste out of the colon
• May help eliminate parasites
Colo-Vada Plus® is a highly effective 14-day total body cleanse system. This best-selling product has helped millions of people detoxify their bodies for better health & weight loss.
Item Code: 1193
Retail Price: $70.00 USD
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历经几年的成长,排毒的概念到现在已发挥得很丰满、很详尽。街头的小采访就记录下了不下20种的排毒方式:药物排毒、食物排毒、 Spa排毒、运动排毒、皮肤排毒、淋巴道流排毒,肠道排毒、眼泪排毒、睡觉排毒、香熏排毒……
西医认为的 “毒”是指对人体有害的物质,包括来自外在环境的压力和污染、细菌、病毒,及脂肪、糖、蛋白质等物质在新陈代谢过程中产生的废物。
Colo-Vada Plus是迄今最完美的排毒减肥保健品。它在帮助人们排毒、减肥的同时,还大量补充人体所需的各种天然营养素。定时服用Colo-Vada Plus十四天之后,许多慢性病症状会减轻,甚至消除。
Colo-Vada Plus疗法只需每年进行两次,平时坚持均衡健康的饮食和生活方式,喝足够的水,充分睡眠,适当运动,保持心情舒畅,体内的“排毒”系统就能运作顺畅,那些对健康存在威胁的毒源会自然而然地溜走。