

Antioxidant Activity

Microhydrin has been proven to be an incredibly potent antioxidant. A double-blind crossover study has shown that Microhydrin protects the body from free radical damage. While on a regimen of four capsules of Microhydrin a day for two weeks, subjects showed a 43% increase in free radical protection as compared to the placebo group. Further studies revealed that Microhydrin has the ability to scavenge the superoxide radical and hydroxyl radical, the most dangerous of oxygen free radicals.
Free radicals are unstable toxic compounds generated by everyday metabolic processes. Although the presence of these compounds is normal, poor eating habits, pollution, stress and other factors have led to a dangerous increase in the number of free radicals created by our bodies. An unhealthy diet, full of processed foods high in fat or sugar, toxins in the air we breathe and present-day stresses all lead to an increase in free radical production.

Free radicals, created through oxidation, are compounds that have lost an electron. They travel through the body, stealing electrons from vital tissues. Normal, healthy cells are damaged as molecules are forced to surrender their electrons to a free radical. This can impair the intracellular DNA and RNA, cell membranes and numerous other important molecules in the cellular environment. Damage caused by free radicals is closely linked to many degenerative diseases. Consumption of antioxidants may play a role in supporting respiratory, heart and age-related conditions.

Each capsule of Microhydrin contains 250 mg of nanocolloidal silicate mineral, a compound of silica and hydrogen anions that contain loosely bound extra electrons. The extra electron is freely given to neutralize free radicals, rendering them harmless. Microhydrin is unique because hydrogen, being the smallest element, can provide trillions of these electrons in each capsule.

Your Biological Terrain

With the proper biological terrain, the body can exercise its amazing capacity to restore itself. One component of a healthy terrain is pH balance. A pre-clinical trial showed that in eight patients, saliva pH and urine pH both showed improvement over a period of 18 days supplementing with four capsules of Microhydrin per day.

Cellular Hydration

A double-blind placebo controlled study was conducted on eight patients receiving four capsules of Microhydrin per day for two weeks and then crossed over receiving four capsules per day of a placebo for two weeks. This study showed that while on the Microhydrin supplement, both extracellular and intracellular hydration improved. Extracellular water is the fluid that bathes the cells and intracellular water is the fluid inside the cell. These are both indicators of cell integrity.

Energy Production

We all know that our bodies need an adequate supply of oxygen to survive; however, few people realize the important role that hydrogen plays in our health. Oxygen burns hydrogen, producing energy to fuel the living system. Hydrogen and oxygen combine to produce ATP, the energy molecule that brings life to every cell in your body. ATP production is dependent on the production of NADH.

An in-vivo study has shown that Microhydrin can reduce NAD+, producing NADH. NADH carries hydrogen into the mitochondria of the cell for use in the electron transport chain. The reactions that take place at this point ultimately create water and ATP. This is why athletes and other customers have reported a noticeable increase in energy when consuming Microhydrin.

Cellular Communication

The billions of cells in our bodies must communicate with each other to maintain life. This intricate system of communication takes place through electrons. Electrons cannot move in the body without hydrogen (Albert Szent-Gyorgyi). Microhydrin provides an abundant supply of negatively charged hydrogen ions, giving your body the electrons it needs to keep communication flowing at the cellular level.

Nutrient Absorption

One capsule of Microhydrin in a glass of water reduces the surface tension of the water from 73 dynes to 45 dynes. This gives ordinary water the same surface tension as normal, healthy extracellular fluid. This is important because when the water you drink becomes more like your extracellular fluid, your body’s ability to absorb nutrients is greatly improved. Your cells are constantly taking in nutrients for use and flushing out toxins for elimination. Proper surface tension greatly enhances the efficiency of these cellular reactions. Testimonials also indicate that Microhydrin may play a substantial role in increasing cellular absorption of oxygen. Mountain climbers who consume Microhydrin have reported reaching record heights without the use of supplemental oxygen.

Reduce Lactic Acid

A clinical study reported in the fall 2001 issue of The Journal of Medicinal Food has shown that lactic acid was reduced 50% during strenuous exercise in athletes who took Microhydrin. Lactic acid is a natural compound produced in the muscles during exercise. When it accumulates to high levels it can cause painful muscle cramps, sore muscles the next day and can prolong recovery time between workouts. Microhydrin can benefit anyone who works out or participates in endurance sports by providing energy to the cells and reducing lactic acid build-up.


Microhydrin consists of safe, natural source minerals. Once Microhydrin is consumed, it releases negatively charged hydrogen ions, normally found in fresh organic fruits and vegetables, to provide the life energy that is not provided by our modern diets. Our bodies need these electrons to function properly on the cellular level and to maintain a healthy biological terrain.

Acute oral toxicity tests performed by an independent laboratory show safety up to 5 gm/kg of body weight. This is far above the suggested dosage, indicating that Microhydrin is an extremely safe substance. If you experience any undesirable side effects, please discontinue using the product. If you have any existing health conditions or are taking any prescription medication, please consult your physician before taking this supplement.

Microhydrin comes in two versions: Original and Plus

Original: each capsule contains Microhydrin® 300 mg, flanagan Microclusters® (silica, potassium carbonate, magnesium sulfate)

Plus (considered a broad spectrum antioxidant): each capsule contains Microhydrin® 200 mg, flanagan Microclusters® (silica, potassium carbonate, magnesium sulfate), Green Tea Extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid, N-Acetyl, L-Cysteine, Milk Thistle Extract, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Niacinamide Ascorbate, Seleno L Methionine, Quercitin, rice flour, and magnesium stearate.

Microhydrin is the world's most powerful antioxidant. One capsule of Microhydrin contains the antioxidant power of 10,000 glasses of fresh, organic orange juice. RBC created Microhydrin® a unique, propritary antioxidant based on negatively-charged hydrogen ions making available over One Trillion free electrons per capsule!

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(2) Join as an Associate and enjoy 20% savings from retail prices.
(3) As an Associate, you can take advantage of our AutoShip Program and a get 30% discount from retail prices.

Microhydrin® is the only known antioxidant that does not itself become a free radical after it gives up electrons.The molecules present in each capsule of Microhydrin are many thousands of times smaller and more abundant than the molecules present in a capsule of any other commonly used antioxidant like Vitamin C or E.

$ 1 per day, make we ten years old younger!
Microhydrin® brings the huge commercial opportunity!
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Microhydrin(微氢)是迄今为止功效最为显著的抗衰老产品。美国科学家们根据氢分子与氧分子互动原理,将某些天然矿物质经过三十多种复杂的纳米科技工序,于2000年首次研发成功Microhydrin(微氢)。Microhydrin(微氢)携带着亿兆负电子,能迅速祛除人体内导致细胞老化和病变的自由基,保护细胞膜,并显著地增加细胞线粒体数量,恢复体力,还能排除体内各种毒素,改善酸性体质。2004年,科学家们在Microhydrin(微氢)中添加了其它八种抗氧化功效强大的天然营养成分,研制成功了Microhydrin Plus,以强化Microhydrin(微氢)的抗衰老作用。目前,美国科学家们对Microhydrin(微氢)的制作工艺又进行重大改进,运用了一种比纳米技术更为先进的高科技手段(命名为“微氢技术”),将天然营养物质分解成远比人体细胞更小的微粒,可直接进入人体细胞。Microhydrin(微氢)被添加于其它营养产品之后,能极大地提高营养成分的吸收率,甚至可以进入大脑深层。科学家们由此又研制成功一种叫作NeuroBright™的产品,可促使脑细胞的再生和修复,增强记忆力,延缓衰老,防止老年痴呆症和帕金森症。日前,美国营养品鉴别专家们将海军技术部门所使用的检测氧化还原的仪器拿来逐一测试营养保健品,发现Microhydrin(微氢)的抗氧化功效是市面上其它所有抗氧化剂的数十倍,甚至数百倍。医生们发现,病人在服用Microhydrin(微氢)之后半小时验血,或者在服用之后一个多小时验尿,检测出人体内的水分增加,自由基大量消失,病变细胞被修复。一些有趣的实验发现,Microhydrin(微氢)能够使赛马增强耐力和奔跑速度,并且使枯萎的植物恢复生气,延缓花卉凋谢的时间。学术界认为,Microhydrin(微氢)是一种划时代革命性的抗氧化、抗衰老产品,它凝聚着美国顶尖科学家团队的智慧结晶和毕生心血,是对人类生命科学发展的又一巨大贡献。

无需经过中间商 价格特优接近成本
Purchase Microhydrin directly!
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每天一美元 可年轻十岁 尖端科技孕育巨大市场




Olive Leaf Immune System Support Products Energy Drink

Exclusively Available From RBC Life Sciences
This proprietary antioxidant blend with fresh olive leaf and aloe vera is now available to you in OliViva. Just one ounce a day can give you and your family the incredible antioxidant boost found only in OliViva.

Oliviva™ will help you:

Fight free radicals, support immunity and heart health, enhance mental clarity and boost your energy all at the same time.
Harness the power of seven historically trusted botanicals in one beverage.
Drink one ounce of juice and receive the antioxidant power of six servings of fruits and vegetables.


Olive Leaf Complex Research Summary

Anti-aging from the “inside out”
Superb antioxidant value
Supports hearth health and vascular system
Inhibits oxidation delaying its potentially destructive effects
Helps maintain healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular system
Supports healthy blood flow to the body and brain
Enhances mental clarity, focus and a sense of wellbeing

Phrchase Oliviva™ directly!
Buy direct from the manufacturer and cut out the middleman. https://rbclife.com/Me/Info/RBCCustom/CategoryView.aspx?Category=EssentialSolutions

橄榄树是生命力最顽强的树种,寿命高达4800岁以上,抗病抗灾,《圣经》上也曾记载橄榄叶可以治病,使人健康。美国RBC Life Sciences的科学家们将新鲜采摘而来的有机橄榄叶,与其它几种抗氧化成分最多的植物相结合,而制成Oliviva™(傲威精华饮品)。它具有极强的抗氧化、抗衰老的功效,能使人们精力充沛,眼睛明亮,头脑清晰,平衡免疫系统,并且帮助癌症病人、糖尿病人康复。Oliviva™所含的天然营养成分是NONI™(诺丽果汁)等其它世界著名饮品的四至六倍。

无需经过中间商 价格特优接近成本
Purchase Oliviva directly!
Buy direct from the manufacturer and cut out the middleman. https://rbclife.com/Me/Info/RBCCustom/CategoryView.aspx?Category=EssentialSolutions

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(1) Become a Preferred Customer and get 10% off retail prices.
(2) Join as an Associate and enjoy 20% savings from retail prices.
(3) As an Associate, you can take advantage of our AutoShip Program and a get 30% discount from retail prices.

Olive Leaf
Imagine living 4,800 years…the stories you could tell. This particular olive tree has done just that. What gives the olive tree its longevity? Certainly not the climate; it can endure drought, earthquake and neglect. The olive tree has been cultivated since ancient times as a source of olive oil, fine wood, olive leaf and olives for consumption.

Researchers believe the secret to its longevity is hidden in the properties of the olive leaf.

Aloe Vera
RBC Life Sciences founder, Clinton Howard, started his lifelong dedication to holistic health when he pioneered research into the healing properties of Aloe vera. So it should come as no surprise that Aloe vera is blended into OliViva.

Aloe vera was called the “plant of immortality” by the ancient Egyptians. Its health-enhancing benefits include:

Powerful immune support
Helps maintain immune cell function
Soothes digestive system
Studies underway for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels
Our exclusive Olive Leaf & Aloe vera Complex is blended to give you what may be the most powerful antioxidant beverage available – anywhere! Live a long, healthy life. Enjoy!

Oliviva Sample Results
Feedback from sample testers

80% reported increased energy
70% reported a greater sense of wellbeing
60% reported enhanced mental clarity
60% reported stronger immunity
60% reported a feeling of stress reduction
Experience the benefits of Oliviva risk free! If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply send us the unused portion of your order within 60 days of the original purchase date and we will refund 100% of the purchase price.

Oliviva 傲威

无需经过中间商 价格特优接近成本
Purchase Oliviva directly!
Buy direct from the manufacturer and cut out the middleman.

Get More Energy With Oliviva!

Oliviva captures the antioxidant power of fresh olive leaf and blends it with six other energizing, health–promoting botanicals to give you a life-giving juice unlike anything else you have ever experienced.

OliViva has an incredibly high ORAC score of over 80,000 (a measure of antioxidant power) of 85,000 units per liter! This is 200 – 600% higher than other nutritional juices on the market like MonaVie, Xango, Xocai, SensatiaFruit, MyBerryTree, Tahitian Noni, Himalayan Goji Berry, etc. Yes...it Even Beats the Latest Craze on Oprah and in the Fitness Magazines... Acai Berry!!!

This synergistic blend of natural, historically proven remedies will fight free radical damage, support immunity, enhance mental clarity, boost your energy and help you achieve the radiant health you desire!


• Possesses the antioxidant potency of 6 servings of fruits and vegetables in only one ounce
• Supports immunity with the time-tested value of fresh olive leaf and aloe vera
• Contains up to 600% higher antioxidant power than other antioxidant juices
• Helps fight free radical damage from pollution, smoke and everyday life
• Will boost your energy and help you achieve optimum health
• Anti-aging from the "inside out"
• Superb antioxidant value
• Supports heart health and vascular system
• Inhibits oxidation delaying its potentially destructive effects
• Helps maintain healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular system
• Supports healthy blood flow to the body and brain
• Enhances mental clarity, focus and a sense of wellbeing
• Tastes great
• 100% Satisfaction Guarantee



“My head feels clearer and I have more energy since I began taking OliViva.”
– Mary

“After the first week, I noticed that I have more mental clarity and pay more atten­tion to details. After 30 days on OliViva, I noticed I had greater endurance.”
– Kelly

“I experience a feeling of ‘well being’ or even euphoria when I take the product.”
– Doug

“For about 16 years, I have experienced a lot of discomfort in my wrists, hands, neck, shoulders and back. I started taking OliViva. In less than a week, I felt a big difference. I have so much energy with OliViva, I feel like I need to give some away.”
– Hellen

Phrchase Oliviva™ directly!
Buy direct from the manufacturer and cut out the middleman. https://rbclife.com/Me/Info/RBCCustom/CategoryView.aspx?Category=EssentialSolutions

【3 Ways to Save】
(1) Become a Preferred Customer and get 10% off retail prices.
(2) Join as an Associate and enjoy 20% savings from retail prices.
(3) As an Associate, you can take advantage of our AutoShip Program and a get 30% discount from retail prices.


RBC Life Sciences纽约团队祝海外侨胞感恩节、圣诞节快乐!

为了感谢广大侨胞对于RBC Life Sciences事业的支持和爱护,RBC纽约团队定于2009年11月19日(星期四)晚上7点30分至12点,在纽约法拉盛“新东方海鲜酒楼”举行盛大联欢晚会。晚会不仅备有丰盛的菜肴,并且还有精彩的文艺表演。一年一度“宝岛之恋”大型音乐会的主力歌手黄慧琪小姐将领衔献唱众多中外流行歌曲。

欢迎大家踊跃前来参加和观赏。联系电话:九一七 - 七五四 六零一六 鲍先生,六四六 - 四六一 二八八六 朱小姐,七一八 - 六零零 九三三八 谢小姐,九一七 - 九零二 二二零九 Ms. Tracy。

纽约法拉盛“新东方海鲜酒楼”前身是东丽宫大酒楼,其豪华的礼堂,是由名设计师所设计,纽约多间著名酒楼食肆都是出自该名师之手,金碧辉煌,可筵开55席,是摆设寿筵、喜宴、商酌的最佳饮宴食府。地址:37-02 Main Street, Flushing, NY 11354


阿根廷,别为我哭泣(麦当娜) Madonna-Don't Cry For Me Argentina

阿根廷,别为我哭泣(艾迪娜·曼茨欧) Idina Menzel Alw - Don't Cry For Me Argentina

阿根廷,别为我哭泣(卡朋特) Carpenters - Don't Cry For Me Argentina

阿根廷,别为我哭泣(西尼德·奥·康娜)Sinead O Connor - Don't Cry For Me Argentina

爱看你哭的样子 (安立奎) Enrique Iglesias - Love To See You Cry

爱情故事(安迪·威廉姆斯)Andy Williams - Love Story

爱无止境(席琳·迪翁)Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On

拜金女孩 (麦当娜) Madonna - Material Girl

奔放的旋律 (正直兄弟) Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody

此情可待(理查德·马克白斯)Richard Marx Right Here Waiting

此情永不移(格莱恩·梅德罗斯) Glenn Mederos - Nothing Gonna Change My Love For You

大千世界(艾米莉娅) Emilia - Big Big World

带走我的呼吸(壮志凌云) Top Gun - Take My Breath Away

带走我的呼吸(杰西卡) Jessica Simpson - Take My Breath Away

电话诉衷情(史蒂夫·伍德) Stevie Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You

感觉(莫里斯·亚伯特) Morris Albert - Fellings

告诉你一切 / 靠近你(卡朋特) Carpenters - For All We Know / Close To You 1972

给你所有的爱(惠妮·休斯顿) Whitney Houston - Saving All My Love For You

今夜感受我的爱(班尼·马泰尔) Benny Martell - Can You Feel The Love Tonight

今夜无人入睡(帕瓦罗蒂) Luciano Pavarotti - Nessun Dorma

卡门-哈巴涅拉(格蕾斯·班布丽) Grace Bumbry - Carmen/Habanera

两颗小星星(海因切) Heintje - Zwei kleine Sterne

妈妈(海因切) Heintje - Mama 世纪童星之绝唱

妈妈(帕瓦罗蒂) Luciano Pavarotti - Mamma 歌王不朽的歌声

美哉,美利坚(比利)Billy Gilman - America the Beautiful

美哉,美利坚(惠妮·休斯顿) Whitney Houston - America The Beautiful

梦乡 (海因切) Heintje - Traumland (英俊少年)

你好(莱昂内而·里奇) Lionel Richie - Hello

平安夜(美丽人声) Celtic Woman - Silent Night

平安夜(夏洛特·丘奇) Charlotte Church - Silent Night

奇异恩典(海莉·韦斯顿)Hayley Westenra- Amazing Grace

柔声倾诉(教父) The God father - Speak Softly Love

桑塔·露琪娅(帕瓦罗蒂、芙曼蒂 ) Luciano Pavarotti & Giorgia Fumanti - Santa Lucia

圣母颂-巴赫(伊凡·里波夫) Ivan Reberoff - Ave Maria (Bach)

圣母颂-巴赫 (戴娜·杜宾) Deanna Durbin & Vienna Boys Choir - Ave Maria (Bach)

圣母颂-巴赫 (弗洛雷兹) Juan Diego Florez - Ave Maria (Bach)

圣母颂-巴赫 (卡雷拉斯) Jose Carreras - Ave Maria (Bach)

圣母颂-巴赫 (凯瑟琳·詹金斯) Katherine Jenkins - Ave Maria (Bach)

圣母颂-舒伯特 (爱伦·奈维尔) Aaron Neville - Ave Maria (Schubert)

圣母颂-舒伯特(安德鲁·瑞欧)Andre Rieu- Ave Maria (Schubert)

圣母颂-舒伯特 (帕瓦罗蒂) Pavarotti - Ave Maria (Schubert)

圣母颂-舒伯特(罗伯蒂尼) Robertino Loretti- Ave Maria(Schubert)

圣母颂-舒伯特 (依娃·琳德) Eva Lind - Ave Maria (Schubert)

圣善夜(安东尼·科里亚)Anthony Callea - O Holy Night

圣善夜(比利) Billy Gilman - O Holy Night 童星绝唱

圣善夜 (多明戈, 卡莱拉斯, 黛安娜·罗斯) Carreras, Domingo & Diana Ross - O Holy Night

生日歌 (海因切) Heintje - Wenn du einmal Geburtstag Hast

舒伯特小夜曲 (罗伯蒂尼) Robertino Loretti - Schubert Serenata

说你说我(莱昂·里奇) Lionel Richie - Say You Say Me

天下一家(迈克尔·杰克逊等)Michael Jackson - We Are The World

晚钟 (海因切·西蒙斯) Heintje - Glockenton

为爱走天涯(安立奎) Enrique Iglesias - Escape

我爱荷兰 (海因切·西蒙斯) Heintje - Ik Hou Van Holland

我的太阳(帕瓦罗蒂) Luciano Pavarotti - O Sole Mio

我的太阳(三大男高音) The Three Tenors - O Sole Mio

我和你命运相依 (海因切) Heintje - Eine Kleine Abschiedstrane

我将永远爱你(惠妮·休斯顿)Whitney Houston - I'll Always Love You

无心快语(乔治·迈克尔) George Micheal - Careless Whisper

乡村的路带我回家 (爱玛仕乐团) Hermes House Band - Country Roads

夏日里最后的玫瑰(海因切)Heintje-Letzte Rose in unserem Garten

夏日里最后的玫瑰 (美丽人声) Celtic Woman - The Last Rose Of Summer

夏日里最后的玫瑰 (維琪·黎安托) Vicky Leandros - Letzte Rose in unserem Garten

小小少年 (海因切) Heintje - Kleine Kinder Kleine

以吻封缄 (鲍比·温顿) Bobby Vinto - Sealed With A Kiss

以吻缄口 (贾森·多诺南) Jason Donovan - Sealed With A Kiss

我为乐狂 (麦当娜) Madonna - Music (欧美流行音乐排行榜)

英雄 (安立奎) EnriqueIg lesias - Hero

忧愁河上的金桥 (安东尼·科里亚) Anthony Callea - Bridge Over Trou bled Water

雨的节奏 (杰森·唐诺文) Jason Donovan - Rhythm Of The Rain

月亮河 (安迪·威廉斯) Andy Williams - Moon River (1961)

月亮河 (安德烈娅·罗斯) Andrea Ross - Moon River

月亮河 (三大男高音) The Three Tenors - Moon River

至爱 (惠妮·休斯顿) Whitney Houston - The Greatest Love Of All

重归苏莲托 (帕瓦罗蒂) Pavarotti - Torna A Surriento De Curtis

最后的华尔兹 (英格柏·汉柏汀克) Engelbert Humperdinck

昨日再来 (卡朋特) The Carpenters - Yesterday Once More

如果你或你的亲人有任何健康上的问题,或者你和你的朋友正在寻找事业发展机会,请随时 跟我们联络。

RBC Life Sciences拥有美国医药保健品领域的顶级科学家团队,其中有的被医学界称为芦荟之父和螺旋藻之父等美誉,同时还拥有包括Nanotechnology(纳米技术)、 Microhydrin(微氢技术)等多项最尖端科技,以大大提高营养成分的吸收率。RBC Life Sciences连续十八年不断研发和推出许多远远领先于世界同行的新产品,并且对诺 贝尔医学奖获得者们的学术成果及秘方进行推广和改进,日臻完美。RBC Life Sciences所有产品均采用全天然原料,由于拥有自己的有机种植园,使原料品质得到严格控制,因而获得美国有机食品证书和素食证书,并达到cGMP和FDA标准。

我们欢迎和期待世界各地越来越的华人能够从RBC Life Sciences的产品和事业中受益,获得健康和幸福。每星期二和星期四晚上,各地的 朋友们可以收听我们的免费中文电话会议。(纽约时间12:00,加州时间9:00,德州时间11:00。)在大约一个多小时的电话会议中,我们将详细介绍RBC Life Sciences的营养保健品系列和美容护肤品系列,并且指导大家如何经营RBC全球代理经销事业。(电话号码是,密码是118899#。)同时,大家也可以通过互联网获得我们的各项免费资讯(网址为:http://keep168.blogspot.com/ )。

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我们每周三次在纽约法拉盛(Flushing,New York City)商业中心提供免费的培训课程,并有多位富有经验的领导和讲师悉心帮助每一位 新人建立和发展自己的团队。有意前来听讲座的朋友们,可先通过电话联络我们,以便我们进行接待和安排。除了向社会推广保健知识以及RBC健康、美容产品之外,我们还经常举办集体娱乐活动,使每一位成员真切感受RBC大家庭的温暖和幸福。


Microhydrin Plus 微氢是迄今最强的抗衰老产品 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr9itMZK2dw


Digestion Formula(肠胃宝)含数十种酶和益生菌 经纳米科技(Nanotechnology)研制而成

Immune 360 全方位构筑人体免疫系统

Immune 360 (免疫360)Build Your Circle of Defense

OliViva (傲威橄榄精华) 是抗衰老和改善免疫系统的极品

Oliviva (傲威橄榄精华) 以世上最长寿的树作为主要原料



Digestion Formula (Enzyme and Probiotic Support)----RBC Life Sciences用纳米科技(Nanotechnology)大大增强益生菌和酶在人体内所发挥的功效

Probiotics and Enzymes

What are Probiotics and How Do They Benefit Health?

Probiotics are "friendly" bacteria that can provide the body with numerous health benefits. They are acquired through eating fermented dairy foods such as cheese and yogurt. Probiotics can also be obtained through supplementation. Once ingested, probiotics flourish within the digestive tract and help maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora. Besides promoting healthy intestinal activity, these micro-organisms may help promote good digestion and colon regularity. Probiotics also boost the body's ability to absorb food and nutrients. They also help fortify the immune system and help reduce inflammatory responses within the gastrointestinal system. In addition, probiotics help destroy harmful pathogens, such as E. coli, that may trigger food poisoning.

Probiotics May Offer the Following Health Benefits:

- Promote healthy digestion and nutrient assimilation.
- Replenish colonies of friendly bacteria that may be destroyed by antibiotics and certain health complications.
- Counter an overgrowth of "bad" organisms in the gastrointestinal tract.
- Enhance immune response (since a large percentage of cells of the immune system are located in the digestive tract).
- May support healthy cholesterol levels.
- Promote oral health.
- Help counter an unfavorable balance of yeast and fungus.
- Assist those that are lactose intolerant with lactose digestion.
- Support urinary tract and colon health.

Why is Supplementing with Probiotics Important?

A number of factors, including poor diet, medication, illness, stress and aging, can deplete levels of beneficial bacteria in the body. That's why it is important to incorporate a good, high-quality probiotic supplement into your daily diet.

What to Look for in a Probiotic Supplement:

- Find a probiotic supplement that guarantees its potency (the promised level of live bacteria) at time of use.
- Make sure that it contains a high-quality prebiotic to nourish and sustain existingfriendly bacterial colonies within the intestines.
- Only use a probiotic supplement containing naturally occurring strains that are safe and effective for human use and are not genetically engineered (non-GMO).
- Choose one that features a good delivery technology that enables these strains to
- securely arrive at their destination – the intestinal tract.

What are Enzymes and How Do They Benefit Health?

Enzymes are also important to the digestive process. When you consume food, digestive enzymes are immediately released from your salivary glands, stomach and small intestines. They help breakdown proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Enzymes facilitate the absorption of nutrients from the foods you eat. Without enzymes, even the most nutritious foods would not be of use to the body, as the vitamins and minerals they contain would not be properly absorbed. Foods would also move slowly through the digestive tract, resulting in discomforts such as abdominal bloating, gas, constipation and heartburn. Systemic enzymes make up a special class of enzyme that works within every system of the body, offering complete, or systemic, health.

Enzymes May Offer the Following Health Benefits:

- Promote healthy digestion and nutrient assimilation.
- Help food move quickly through the digestive tract before bloating, gas, constipation and heartburn can occur.
- May contribute to improved waste elimination, promoting colon and intestinal health.
- Boost the immune system's effectiveness.

Systemic Enzymes May Offer the Following Health Benefits:

- Help improve blood consistency, circulation and blood pressure, promotingcardiovascular health.
- Contribute to enhanced nutrient absorption.
- Enhance immune function and support healthy white blood cell activity.
- Contribute to joint health, comfort and mobility.
- Help ensure that protein is completely broken down, digested and absorbed by the body. When protein is not processed within the body properly, a buildup of toxins may result.

Why is Supplementing with Enzymes Important?

Research indicates that the human body loses its ability to produce enzymes with age. Poor eating habits, such as not chewing food properly, may also lead to inadequate enzyme production. Consuming excess processed or overcooked foods, rather than fresh, raw fruits and vegetables (which contain enzymes that naturally break down foods for proper absorption) is another potential cause of enzyme deficiency.

What to Look for in an Enzyme Supplement:

When choosing an enzyme supplement, look for one that contains enzymes from at least one, or preferably more, of the following active enzyme groups:

Pancreatin: breaks down protein, carbohydrates/starches and fats/oils.
Trypsin: breaks down protein into single amino acid molecules.
Papain: breaks down protein, especially tough meat fibers.
Bromelain: breaks down protein and may offer anti-inflammatory benefits.
Amylase: breaks down starch into sugars.
Lipase: breaks down fats, such as triglycerides and other lipids, and oils.
Lysozyme: breaks down cell walls of certain bacteria.
Chymotrypsin: breaks down large protein molecule.

Digestion Formula(消化配方)

真不敢相信,我们身体的许多病,尤其是那些看上去与消化系统无关的症状,是因为消化系统的不良、营养无法吸收、或者是无法代谢,所造成的。 消化酵素是特殊的催化蛋白质,帮助您的身体分解食物,这样身体便可吸收食物里的各种营养。遗憾的是,食物本身的消化酵素,因其对热很敏感,通常一经加热就不起作用了。虽然您的身体在无助的情形下也能分解食物,但这会加重身体系统的负担。“益生消化酵素”以易于饮用、味道可口的溶液,为身体补充所需的消化酵素和有益的微生物。







Digestion Formula“益生消化酵素”提供的天然植物酵素,遇到胃酸时不会失去活性。这就是说,补充的酵素可以与被消化的食物混合在一起帮助消化,并配合体内产生的消化酵素,让身体尽可能从食物吸取营养。










我们都知道自来水中的氯可以殺菌,使水可以安全飲用。但并不是所有细菌都有害。如果不存在有益的細菌,我們便无法消化食物。有許多人,特別是女士,知道身体系统中有益的细菌是何等重要,其中有的人已在补充乳酸菌来維持健康。“益生消化酵素”含有对人体有益的乳酸菌(Lactobacillus sporogenes),用以帮助补充有益的细菌,因为在喝了氯化过的水和服用抗生素后,体內有益的細菌就会受損。

Digestion Formula(益生消化酵素)的服用方法:

Digestive Formula

Bloating is the sensation of excessive fullness of the stomach/abdomen. Heartburn is a painful burning sensation in the chest caused by gastroesophageal reflux (backflow from the stomach irritating the esophagus); possibly symptomatic of an ulcer or a diaphragmatic hernia or other disorder. Consult your doctor if these problems persist. Antacids and acid blocking agents provide relief, however natural methods for minimizing incidences of occasional heartburn may be better in the long term. These include weight loss, proper breathing, and avoiding certain foods. Foods, such as chocolate, mints and other spices with strong aromatic oils, coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco, and carbonated drinks have been shown to increase occasional heartburn.

Life Plus products contain no preservatives, sugar, starch, salt, wheat, yeast, corn, milk, soy derivatives, artificial flavoring or coloring agents.

Two-phase Digestive Aid Supports Digestion

Digestive Formula is a unique two-phase digestive supplement that mimics the two primary phases of healthy digestion. In phase one (the stomach), acidic nutrients are released from each tablet, along with the protein digesting enzymes pepsin, papain, and bromelain, to support a healthy acidic enzyme environment. In the second phase (small intestine), the bicarbonate, pancreatic enzymes, and bile salts – just like the gallbladder and pancreas – are released to help digestion in the upper intestines. Pancreatic enzymes are multifunctional, because they help the digestion of all foods, including proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates.

What makes Digestive Formula different from other digestive aids?

Digestive Formula is a unique two-phase digestive supplement that mimics the two primary phases of healthy digestion. In phase one (the stomach), acidic nutrients are released from each tablet, along with the protein digesting enzymes pepsin, papain, and bromelain, to support the healthy acidic enzyme environment of your stomach. In the second phase (small intestine), the tablet releases bicarbonate, pancreatic enzymes, and bile salts – just like the gallbladder and pancreas – to help digestion in the upper intestines. These pancreatic enzymes are multifunctional, because they help the digestion of all foods, including proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates. Use of Digestive Formula can help improve digestion in many people, including those who may experience occasional indigestion or heartburn.

Supports Acid-alkaline Balance in the Digestive System

Hydrochloric acid, produced by the stomach, plays an important role in the first phase of digestion. Optimal digestion begins with a pH (a measure of acid/alkaline balance) between 1 and 2, which is as strong as the acid used in car batteries. In addition to initiating the proper digestion of protein, fat, and carbohydrate, strong stomach acid also creates a barrier against foreign bacteria, fungi, and parasites that may be on food that we eat. The stomach lining is designed to withstand the strong acid generated during and after eating; however, the esophagus is not. Various factors may cause one to have occasional heartburn.

Antacids and acid blocking agents provide relief, however natural methods for minimizing incidences of occasional heartburn may be better in the long term. These include weight loss, proper breathing, and avoiding certain foods. Frequent small meals, not eating 4-5 hours before bedtime, elevating the head of the bed by six inches, and sleeping on the left side can also be helpful. Foods, such as chocolate, mints and other spices with strong aromatic oils, coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco, and carbonated drinks have been shown to increase occasional heartburn.

People with occasional “indigestion and heartburn” of different types find that dietary supplementation with Digestive Formula often helps promote healthy digestion. The whole process of digestion requires more energy from the body than any other process. Hydrochloric acid production diminishes easily under stress and alsodecreases as we grow older.

Among other things, adequate levels of stomach acid are needed for optimal absorption of minerals and vitamin B-12, as well as for complete digestion of dietary proteins. These functions may be needed in order to maintain the ability to make adequate amounts of stomach acid.

Time-Released Two-Phase Formula

Digestive Formula is a unique two-phase digestive supplement that imitates and complements the primary two phases of healthy digestion. The acidic substances, betaine hydrochloride and glutamic acid hydrochloride (one of the amino acids) are released from phase one of the tablet, along with the protein digesting enzymes pepsin, papain, and bromelain. Together these help support the healthy acidic enzyme environment of the stomach. The pH-sensitive second phase of the tablet releases bicarbonate, pancreatic enzymes, and bile salts to complement and support the natural second phase (small intestinal) of digestion.

The second phase of digestion begins when food passes from the stomach into the small intestine. As the partially digested food enters here, its strong acidity signals the pancreas to secrete bicarbonate along with its starch, protein, and fat digesting enzymes. Secreted bicarbonate neutralizes the stomach acids, and raises the pH in the small intestine to just slightly acidic (about 5.5), which is the chemical environment in which the pancreatic enzymes work best. The gallbladder simultaneously secretes bile into the small intestine, which helps to emulsify dietary fats and fat-soluble vitamins so that they can be well absorbed from the intestine.

Paradoxically, if the material coming from the stomach is not acidic enough, a weak signal to the pancreas is generated. This prevents enough bicarbonate from being produced, resulting in a pH that is not alkaline enough for optimal pancreatic enzyme function.

Provides Enzymes for Proper Digestion

In addition to the different protein, fat, and complex carbohydrate digesting enzymes included in Digestive Formula, it also supplies a proprietary blend of beneficial microflora in a stabilized media including whole-leaf Aloe vera, beet root, and lecithin.

Suggestions for use:

Digestive Formula may be taken on a routine basis to provide additional support for healthy digestion. Most people take 1 tablet with small meals and 2 tablets with larger ones, though more can be taken if desired. If stomach discomfort increases after taking Digestive Formula, discontinue use and consult a health care practitioner.

The old saying “you are what you eat” is only partly true; you are what you eat, digest, and assimilate. Healthy digestion is fundamental to good health. Try Digestive Formula for a month or two and see if it makes a difference. If it does, you and your entire body will be glad you did!

1. Sturniolo GC, Montino MC, Rosssetto L, et al. Inhibition of gastric acid secretion reduces zinc absorption in man. J Am Coll Nutr 1991; 10
2. Allison JR. The relation of hydrochloric acid and vitamin B complex deficiency in certain skin conditions. South Med J 1945; 38
3. Giannella RA. Influence of gastric acidity on bacterial and parasitic enteric infections. A perspective. Ann Intern Med 1973; 78
4. Stockbruegger RW. Bacterial overgrowth as a consequence of reduced gastric acidity. Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl 1985; 111
5. Suarez F, Levitt MD, Adshead J, Barkin JS. Pancreatic supplements reduce symptomatic response of healthy subjects to a high fat meal. Dig Dis Sci 1999;44:1317–21.
6. Heinicke RM, Levand O, Sugai R, Larson C. Supplementary proteases and gastric digestion. Exp Med Surg 1967;25(1):156-68

DIRECTIONS: One tablet at the beginning of or during each meal. More tablets can be taken if desired. Store in a cool dry place and keep tightly closed. Do not refrigerate.

Each tablet contains ACTIVE ENZYMES (Pancreatin, Pancrelipase, Pepsin, Amylase, Papain, Bromelain, and Lipase), NATURAL BUFFERING AGENTS (Betaine HCl, Glycine, L-Glutamic Acid and Calcium Carbonate), BENEFICIAL LACTOBACILLUS MICRO-FLORA (L.salivarius, L.acidophilus DDS-1™, L.bulgaricus and Bifidobacterium bifidum), and SYNERGISTIC INGREDIENTS (Bile, Lecithin, Peppermint Leaf, Aloe Vera, and Beet Root).

This unique formula releases ingredients in two separate and distinct phases consistent with the natural digestive tract anatomy and ecology.

Formulated in the exclusive PhytoZyme™ base of plant enzymes for bioavailability and over 30 synergistic fruit, vegetable and herbal concentrates for "extra" phytonutrient cofactors.

Contains no artificial preservatives, sugar, starch, caffeine, salt, wheat, gluten, yeast, corn, milk, egg, shellfish, artificial sweetening, flavoring or coloring agents.

Not Tested on Animals. Contains no ingredients from animal sources other than Porcine Bile, Pancreatin, Pancrelipase, and Pepsin.

Digestive Formula*

90 Capsules
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 45
Amount Per Serving
n˙zimes™ (a proprietary blend) 484 mg +
Amylase (10,000 DU)
Gluocoamylase (30 AGU)
Protease 4.5 (30,000 HUT)
Protease 3.0 (50 SAPU)
Invertase (400 SU)
Malt diastase (900 DP)
Protease 6.0 (conc.) (16,000 HUT)
Pectinase (40 endo-PGU)
Papain (1,000,000 FCCPU)
Lipase (900 CU)
Alpha-galactosidase (100 GalU)
Bromelain (300,000 FCCPU)
Lactase (800 ALU)
Peptidase (1,000 HUT)
A Probiotic Blend 57 mg +
Lactobacillus acidophilus (200 million c.f.u.)
Lactobacillus bulgaricus (150 million c.f.u.)
Streptococcus themophilus (150 million c.f.u.)
CereCalase™ (a proprietary blend) (600 MU) 30 mg +
Hemicellulase, beta-glucanase, phytase
RBC NonoCluster® Blend 16 mg +
Potassium citrate, potassium carbonate, silica, purified water, magnesium sulfate, sunflower seed oil.
+ Daily Value not established.
Other Ingredients: Rice bran, gelatin, water.

*Daily Value not established

INGREDIENTS: Betaine HCl, Pancrelipase (Porcine), Pancreatin 6X (N.F.) (Porcine), Pepsin (Porcine), Dicalcium Phosphate, Amylase, Bile (Porcine), Bromelain, Papain, Lipase, Silica, Calcium Carbonate, L-Glutamic Acid, ProBioTxT Stabilized Probiotic Blend (Each serving providing over two hundred million (200,000,000) beneficial micro-flora including Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1T, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and Lactobacillus salivarius), Microcrystalline Cellulose, Stearic Acid, Glycerin, Magnesium Stearate, Polyvinylpyrrolidone, Aloe Vera Leaf, Beet (Beta vulgaris rubra L.) Root, L-Glycine, Lecithin (Soya), Peppermint Leaf, Natural Carmel and Vanilla Flavor, and PhytoZymeT proprietary blend (Bromelain, Papain, Aloe Vera, Alfalfa, Parsley, and vegetable and fruit concentrates from Carrots, Broccoli, Spinach, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Celery, Beet, Chili Pepper, Green Bean, Pea, Sweet Potato, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Snow Pea, Tomato, Zucchini, Lima Beans, Mushroom, Banana, Cantaloupe, Cranberry, Guava, Lemon, Mango, Orange, Papaya, Peach, Pineapple and Grapefruit).

Formulated in the proprietary PhytoZymeT base of special herbs, synergistic phytonutrient co-factors from fruits and vegetables plus plant enzymes papain, bromelain, and lysozyme for bioavailability. Contains no artificial preservatives, sucrose, sugar, starch, salt, wheat, gluten, yeast, corn, milk, egg, shellfish, soya derivatives, artificial flavoring or coloring agents.

Because heat destroys the activity of many vitamins, enzymes and phytonutrients, Life Plus employs only cold processing manufacturing techniques. Even though cold processing is costly and time consuming, it is the standard procedure at Life Plus.

Our unique product line utilizes only the highest quality materials which are as natural as possible. They are formulated in the most synergistic way to provide optimum nutritional results. Because our products are manufactured in-house, we can naturally guarantee potency and quality. Our formulas are pH balanced, hypoallergenic, synergistic and contain no artificial additives. We use only natural and naturally derived manufacturing aids.

The Life Plus nutritional product line is complete, but not complex. Active enzymes, nutritional precursors and phytonutrients are important components of each unique Life Plus formula.

Digestion Formula
Enzyme and Probiotic Support

For Complete Digestion of Protein, Fat & Carbohydrates

- Plant enzymes for complete digestion
- Probiotics for healthy immunity
- Resolves common digestive issues

When taken with food:
Facilitates proper digestion
Reduces gas
Reduces bloating
Facilitates absorption of nutrients and energy into the blood stream
Elimination of chronic heartburn due to inadequate digestion
Reduces adverse food reactions
Controls some food allergies
When taken without food:
Aids inflammation reduction
Assists immune function
Promotes digestion of bacteria, toxins and partly digested proteins
Without the action of enzymes, life could not exist. Each enzyme in the body works like a “specialist” taking care of a specific function. Therefore our bodies produce a great number of different enzymes, each with a unique job description. Carbohydrates (sugars) are broken down by enzymes knows as Amylase. Proteins are broken down by enzymes known as Protease. Fats are broken down by enzymes knows as Lipase. Our bodies produce enzymes and we also obtain enzymes from the raw plant food we eat. When the body fails to produce adequate levels of digestive enzymes, supplementation can facilitate proper digestion.

Suggested usage: 2 capsules prior to each meal or a directed by a health practitioner. Keep out of reach of children.

Digestion Formula

Digestion Formula is a unique blend of enzymes and beneficial bacteria designed to support optimal digestive health. Your body needs live enzymes and probiotics to digest your foods, but they are not often found in today's modern diet. Digestion Formula gives you the nutrients your body needs to support digestion and ease the symptoms of digestive discomfort. You can have more energy, a stronger immune system, and fewer digestive upsets when you use Digestion Formula.*

If you are one of the millions of Americans who experience poor digestion, you may already know the toll this can take on your energy level and your overall health. There are many products designed to mask the symptoms of indigestion, but Digestion Formula from RBC is different. It gets to the root of the problem by supplying your body with a powerful blend of enzymes and probiotics, which are both vital for healthy and complete digestion.

By taking 1 – 2 capsules of Digestion Formula with your meals, you can experience:
• Improved digestion
• Fewer episodes of gas, bloating, and intestinal discomfort
• Enhanced energy as more nutrients are available to your body
• A stronger immune system
• Greater mental clarity, particularly after meals
• A reduction in allergy symptoms*
Digestion Formula takes a total look at digestive health providing the enzymes and friendly bacteria that will support your body through all stages of digestion.
• These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Digestion Formula (Enzyme and Probiotic Support)Dietary Supplement with BBC NanoCluster®。它是美国RBC Life Sciences 运用NANO Technology(纳米科技)研制而成的益生菌与酶的天然营养补充品。Digestion Formula*不仅含有人体新陈代谢所需要的酶,及帮助消化各种食物的酶,还含有多种益生菌。它们的种类之多和含量之高,远远超过市面同类产品。纳米科技的运用使得Digestion Formula*的所有成分能迅速被人体所完全吸收,发挥最大的功效。Digestion Formula*对胃酸、胃胀、反胃、消化不良、便秘等症状效果特佳,并且还具有修补细胞和器官、排毒等作用。饭前半小时服用一粒,能帮助肠胃消化食物;饭后两小时服用,则可修补细胞、器官,排除体内毒素。

市场零售价:$ 36
优惠顾客价:$ 31
会员订货价:$ 27.30

Digestion Formula
The Advantage of using 'NANO Technology'

In nature, the makeup of nutritional materials is complex. From the humble potato with it’s long chain glucose molecules forming starches to the amino acids forming complex proteins as found in a piece of steak. To absorb the nutrition from these foods our body has developed an extensive ‘digestive system’ to break down the nutritional material into its base form so it can be absorbed into our bodies and be used within our physiology. This is done by our digestive system producing and containing substances which act on the food and supplement particles breaking it down small enough to be absorbed. Our digestive system produces bile, which acts on fats to break it down into tiny globules so it can be absorbed into our body and also we produce various enzymes to break down proteins and carbohydrates. Any nutritional materials that are not broken down fully by the enzymes are then passed to bacteria in our digestive system whose job is to break down the remaining particles. Unfortunately, because bacteria are living organisms like ourselves, to survive they need nutrition like us. Thus they pinch some of it for their own needs. Therefore our digestive system can become very inefficient. Another problem with this system however, is that it is not controlled. That is to say, for example, if a food or supplement contains an important nutrient for our body, but it is contained within the structure of that food or supplement, how are the enzymes going to know when to stop breaking down the food or supplement when that nutrient structure has been reached? Also, if that food is very complex in structure and the enzymes don’t break it down fully, bacteria then have the job of breaking it down. The answer is the enzymes and bacteria don't know when to stop breaking down the nutritional material when they come across an important nutrient. It's a game of hit and miss. Most likely, the nutrient is further broken down into its base components and its health benefits are lost!

NANO Technology allows us to bypass this system by manufacturing exact nutrients whose particle sizes are smaller than what our digestive system can produce which allows for direct absorption straight into our body. No more being mislead by food and nutritional companies saying that their product contains X nutrient or Y nutrient only to find that none of it, or maybe only a small portion of it, will actually enter our body because of the processing it undergoes in our digestive system.

Another problem, especially with nutritional supplements, even though they may be an isolation of X nutrient or Y nutrient, the particle sizes of the supplement material are still too big to be absorbed directly into our bodies. This is because when the material is manufactured, 1 particle of the material may be made up of 1000 molecules of the X nutrient or Y nutrient. It still has to be broken down within our digestive system to be absorbed. This process takes time because it must become soluble to be absorbed. Some of the nutrients will be absorbed through ionisation of the material through increased osmotic effects of water being drawn into the intestinal area to dissolve some of the particles, while the rest are then excreted out of our body. ‘X nutrient or Y nutrient then goes down the toilet!’

NANO Technology allows us to isolate X nutrient or Y nutrient into particles small enough to be fully absorbed, so you get maximum health benefits from it.


Digestion Formula with enzymes and probiotics

Digestion Formula is the most advanced and complete formula available to restore the body’s enzyme supply and intestinal flora. The nutrients in Digestion Formula encourage proper digestion and strengthen the immune system.

Antioxidant Activity

NOTE: Most people take two capsules with each meal.

If you eat a meal or snack that is completely raw and organic, there is no need to take this supplement. If your meal is only partially raw, however, take one of these capsules with the meal. The body considers digestion a priority. Other processes – including the immune system, energy production and even brain function – all wait while the body digests food.

When digestion is functioning properly, food is broken down and nutrients are made available for metabolism, cell renewal, and healing without undue stress on the body.

Unfortunately, due to the way our foods are grown and processed, toxins in the environment, and emotional factors like stress and anger, digestion can be an internal battleground. More than 70 million Americans experience regular digestive problems, from recurring symptoms of bloating and gas, to diarrhea, stomach cramps, or the more severe digestive disorders which cause close to 200,000 deaths and 13 percent of hospitalizations each year.

Antioxidant Activity
Enzyme Deficiency

Often, digestive problems are a sign of enzyme depletion. Enzymes are not only crucial to digestion; they are the catalysts that allow the body to breathe, reproduce, and generate energy. Nothing in the body works without enzymes. Virtually every individual is deficient in these vital protein molecules. Stress, caffeine, and alcohol can destroy enzymes. Cooked and processed foods are among the most serious threats to our enzyme supply. Raw foods contain enzymes that enhance digestion. However, cooked foods, which make up the bulk of the modern diet, are devoid of enzymes, so the body must draw from its limited supply of digestive enzymes. As this supply is depleted, in order to accomplish digestion, the body must rely on metabolic enzymes. When this occurs, other bodily processes are compromised, disease is more common and aging is more pronounced.

Dr. Edward Howell, who spent over forty years studying the effects of enzymes on health, said "Humans eating an enzyme-less diet use up a tremendous amount of their enzyme potential in lavish secretions of the pancreas and other digestive organs. The result is a shortened life span (65 years or less, compared to 100+), illness, and lowered resistance to stress of all types, psychological and environmental."

Antioxidant Activity
Enzyme Replenishment

Enzyme supplementation has been heralded as the way to avoid countless health concerns. However, many enzyme supplements fail to address the full scope of the problem and don’t supply what is needed to replenish the enzyme stores.

Digestion Formula from RBC Life Sciences is a totally unique, health-promoting way to achieve nutritional digestive support. First, Digestion Formula contains the full complex of necessary enzymes. Enzymes are substrate specific, meaning certain kinds of enzymes work on different foods. For example, the enzyme protease catalyzes the hydrolytic breakdown of proteins. Our formula also includes the enzyme peptidase to complete the process, breaking down peptides into useable amino acids.

Similarly, amylase breaks down carbohydrates to disaccharides. Along with amylase, RBC has included the needed lactase, invertase and malt diastase to complete the process, digesting the disaccharides into the simple sugars the body can use.

The enzyme cellulase has been added to Digestion Formula to assist the body in digesting fiber. The enzyme lipase accomplishes the task of breaking down fat to free fatty acids that the body needs.

Another enzyme in Digestion Formula, alpha galactosidase, is an innovative addition to our formulation. Until recently, this was a patented ingredient and was not available for general use. It has been proven to successfully help the body deal with indigestion and gas caused by foods such as beans, cabbage, and other vegetables.

Ginger root is another important ingredient. Ginger root has traditionally been used to cleanse the colon, stimulate circulation and reduce spasms and cramps and has been recommended as a treatment for colitis, diverticulitis, nausea, gas, indigestion, vomiting and menstrual cramps.

Antioxidant Activity
Exclusive Mineral Blend

Digestion Formula contains an exclusive mineral blend – including the amino acid chelate form of zinc, copper, manganese, and iron from blackstrap molasses. In-depth research indicates these particular minerals may increase digestion of carbohydrates and protein by more than fifty percent.

Antioxidant Activity
Intestinal Health

With this full spectrum of enzymes and RBC’s unique mineral blend, Digestion Formula is already the most complete digestive aid on the market. However, there’s more. We’ve included additional nutrients to ensure complete support of the intestinal environment. A healthy intestine contains bacteria to help complete the digestive process, to eliminate toxins and to actually produce enzymes.
In case your own intestinal flora have been made vulnerable by poor eating habits, Royal BodyCare has included four bacterial strains recommended by Dr. Khem Shahani, an expert in friendly bacteria. Customers who are lactose intolerant will benefit particularly from the enzyme, lactase, needed to digest dairy products.

No other digestive formulation takes such a total look at digestive health, providing the enzymes, minerals and friendly bacteria that will support the body through all the stages of digestion.

Item Code: 1601
Retail Price: $36.00

Phrchase Digestion Formula directly!
Buy direct from the manufacturer and cut out the middleman.

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(1) Become a Preferred Customer and get 10% off retail prices.
(2) Join as an Associate and enjoy 20% savings from retail prices.
(3) As an Associate, you can take advantage of our AutoShip Program and a get 30% discount from retail prices.


I.Q.DHA和Pure Life™ EFA中的奥米茄(Omega)直接从海藻中提取 反映出RBC Life Sciences的科研探索至少领先世界同行十年

Food for your brain and eyes! I.Q. is primarily DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid. DHA is the building block of human brain and eye tissue. In fact, your brain relies on this essential fatty acid to function optimally. People get the most DHA from foods such as organ meats, fish and eggs. However, today the average American's intake of DHA is at its lowest. It seems that in an effort to avoid "bad" saturated fats, we have lost the "good" fats like DHA. It is essential that children and adults alike have adequate levels of DHA. Research has shown that low levels of DHA are correlated to changes in disposition, memory loss, and visual and other neurological conditions. I.Q. contains Neuromins DHA from microalgae, providing you with an exceptional vegetarian source of DHA.

The human brain is the most complicated organization of matter known to mankind. Approximately ten billion nerve cells and nearly one hundred billion smaller supporting cells are packed into its three pounds. Each Nerve cell is connected to many other nerve cells in a complex pattern in which tiny electrical currents flow in any of a vast number of possible pathways.


DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)

Building Block of the Brain

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid, is the building block of human brain tissue. It is the primary structural fatty acid in the gray matter of the brain and retina of the eye. Humans obtain DHA from their diets, initially through the placenta and from breast milk. DHA is essential for brain and eye development and for mental and visual function. Fish provide a rich source of DHA but like humans, fish do not adequately synthesize it. They obtain DHA from microalgae, its original source and the source of DHA in "I.Q.". Royal Body Care's brand of DHA, produced from microalgae under tightly controlled food manufacturing conditions, provides the only vegetarian source of DHA.

DHA is essential for optimal brain and eye function. But the average American's diet is low in DHA because of the decline in the consumption of dietary sources such as red meat, animal organ meats and eggs, and an increase in consumption of vegetable oils. RBC's DHA puts DHA back in the diet and helps maintain healthy blood levels of DHA.

A 1996 poll of 800 Americans commissioned by the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) found that staying mentally sharp as they grow older is important to more people (36 percent) than avoiding physical disability (20 percent) or a change in physical appearance (6 percent). Similarly, a 1996 Yankelovich survey found that the biggest fear among Americans aged 51 and older was senility, followed by aging.

DHA in the diet is critically important for pregnant and nursing women. Studies show that breast-fed babies have IQ advantages over babies fed formula without DHA. Unfortunately, DHA levels in the breast milk of U.S. women are among the lowest in the world.

Changes in Disposition and Memory

Loss Linked To Low Levels of DHA

Everyone needs DHA. Cells in the brain, retina, and other parts of the nervous system have connecting arms that transport electrical currents, sending messages throughout the body. DHA ensures the optimal composition of nerve cell membranes necessary for the most effective transmission of these signals. Fortunately, most people have some, but the average American's diet is low in DHA and low levels of DHA have been correlated with changes in disposition, memory loss, and visual and other neurological conditions.*

How Much DHA Does A Body Need?

E ach of us is unique. Our bodies synthesize a small amount of DHA naturally, but we get most of our DHA through the diet from eggs, red meats, fish and animal organ meats. However, in avoiding "bad" saturated fats, we have lost "good" fats like DHA.

Today, the average American's daily intake of DHA is estimated to be 100 mg lower than it was about 50 years ago and is one of the lowest in the world. An additional 200mg of DHA per day returns the breast milk of the average American mother to near historical levels.

DHA Safe At Any Age

Eye-Q! Royal Body Care's DHA is as safe and as beneficial for elderly people as it is for any other adults, and elderly people have even more things going against them when it comes to nutrition: their diets typically become less varied, the amount of food they eat may decrease, and their nutrition intake may decline.

The DHA in Eye-Q! Royal Body Care's capsules is so safe it has been incorporated into infant formulas in Europe.

DHA Quick Facts
Fact 1.

DHA is th most abundant structural fat in the brain and retina.

Fact 2.

Dietary tends indicate that DHA intake in the U.S. has declined by about 50%over the last 50 years.

Fact 3.

An expertcommittee of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food andAgricultural Organization of the United Nations (UN) has recommended that all pre-term andterm infant formulas contain DHA at levels found in breast milk.

Fact 4.

DHA is animportant component of breast milk but U.S. infant formulas do ot currently contain DHA. DHA is essential for brain and eye development in infants.

Fact 5.

Low DHA lvels are associated with behavior problems in children and neurologcal conditions in adults.


DHA and DHEA are two completely different substances. DHA is Docosahexaenoic acid, and omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid that is the primary structural fatty acid in the gray matter of the brain and retina of the eye.

DHEA is short for dehydroepiandrosterone, a steroid hormone made by the adrenal glands located just above the kidneys.
































Today the average American's diet is about 100 mg lower in DHA than it was 50 years ago. In fact, North America has one of the lowest DHA levels in the world. Vegetarians are particularly vulnerable to low levels. Low levels of DHA have been correlated with changes in disposition, memory loss and visual and other neurological conditions. This decline in DHA consumption has also led to an unhealthy imbalance between omega-3 fatty acids and the more plentiful omega-6 fatty acids. I.Q. puts this vital omega-3 fat back into your diet, helping you maintain healthy blood levels of this substance.

I.Q. DHA (60 CAPS)
Brain and Eye Support

Key Benefits:
• Omega 3 DHA Supports brain and eye health
• Helps sustain nervous system
• Assists in mood and mental function

What is it?
IQ is a vegetarian source of the critical omega-3 essential fatty acid called DHA, one of the most important nutrients for the brain.

What is it formulated to do?
IQ was created to give you this essential fat in a pure, safe form. DHA supports optimal brain and eye function as well as heart health. It also supports immunity and plays a role in balancing the mood.

Who may benefit?
Everyone can benefit from having more DHA in their diet. It is a critical nutrient during pregnancy and remains important for babies, children and adults alike.

How is it used?
One or two capsules of IQ can be taken every day to put this essential fat back into your diet.

Item Code: 1690
Retail Price: $26.00

More Information:

Phrchase I.Q.DHA directly!
Buy direct from the manufacturer and cut out the middleman.

【3 Ways to Save】
(1) Become a Preferred Customer and get 10% off retail prices.
(2) Join as an Associate and enjoy 20% savings from retail prices.
(3) As an Associate, you can take advantage of our AutoShip Program and a get 30% discount from retail prices.










  罗格斯大学营养学教授 Debra Palmer Keenan 在分析了ALA、DHA和EPA的相关营养学数据后认为,我们应当增加来源于鱼油的Omega-3脂肪酸的摄入,减少来源于植物油和坚果的Omega-6脂肪酸的摄入。


  田纳西州立大学营养学教授 Jay Whelan 介绍说:“人类乳汁中含有一定量的Omega-3脂肪酸,Omega-3脂肪酸对婴儿大脑和眼睛的发育相当重要。”


  澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, CSIRO)营养学系的 Natalie Sinn 研究了145名7~12岁的多动症患儿。这些患儿每天均予服用优质的鱼油;15周后,他们的多动症症状有所缓解。该研究最后总结道,这些患儿可以更好地集中精神,他们较此前更为安静和更少冲动。Sinn 介绍说:“在我的研究中所使用的鱼油EPA与DHA的比例比较高,这是评价鱼油质量是否优等的重要指标。”


Teya Skae 从事临床的人体运动学治疗,他介绍说:“我接触很多有学习困难或行为有问题的小孩子,还有受抑郁症或其它疾病困扰的成年人,从理论上来说,Omega-3脂肪酸的摄入增加对他们都是有一定的帮助的。但很多时候他们在增加了鱼油的摄入后并不感觉到对症状的改善有帮助。我认为这与Omega-3脂肪酸与Omega-6脂肪酸的比例有关,这是关乎摄入这些必需脂肪酸是否对我们的身体有所帮助的关键因素。”





  营养学家们如此强调Omega-3脂肪酸的原因之一是Omega-3脂肪酸是人体必需脂肪酸。必需脂肪酸在这里的意思就像维生素一样,我们身体的健康和功能的正常维系前提是必需这些Omega-3脂肪酸,但是我们的身体自己并不能合成Omega-3脂肪酸。人体内的许多地方都需要Omega-3脂肪酸,从参与大脑和眼睛神经细胞的结构组成到血液、关节和其它组织内抗炎化合物的构成都有Omega-3脂肪酸的足迹。有人会想,如此重要的一种膳食营养素在发达国家应该不会被忽略的,但不幸的是,在美国和一些其它西方国家居民的膳食中Omega-3脂肪酸的摄入量低得惊人。美国食品及药物管理局(FDA)认为Omega-3脂肪酸以食物或补充剂的形式属于“一般认为安全(generally recognized as safe, GRAS)”级别。但值得注意的是,所有的Omega-3脂肪酸都是极容易被氧化的,这就意味着其在加热和/或暴露于空气中时就很容易被氧化破坏了。因此,不要用亚麻籽油烹饪,而当你煎Omega-3鸡蛋时不要把蛋黄弄破,这样就可以让蛋黄里面的Omega-3脂肪酸接触不到空气而免遭破坏。


  人类从膳食中获得的Omega-3脂肪酸有三种形式:ALA、DHA和EPA。ALA即α-亚麻酸,是一种短链Omega-3脂肪酸,仅在少数植物中发现有ALA,某些海洋鱼类也含有少量ALA。从实用性的角度来看,大量的ALA仅可从胡桃、亚麻籽中获得。现在用亚麻籽饲养的鸡所下的Omega-3鸡蛋也含有相当的ALA。还有一些花生酱中也加入了亚麻籽油以提高其中所含的Omega-3脂肪酸。卡诺拉双低油菜籽油(即芥花籽油,canola oil)和大豆油含有少量的ALA。






  美国心脏协会(American Heart Association, AHA)已正式认可从膳食中摄入EPA和DHA的必要性。其建议最少每周食用2次含脂肪丰富的海鱼,而有冠心病的患者最好每天摄入EPA和DHA的总量达1000毫克。美国心脏协会引用的随机临床研究显示,Omega-3脂肪酸可减少心血管疾病的死亡率,也可减少非致命性的心脏病发作和非致命性的卒中发生。美国心脏协会还认为Omega-3脂肪酸可减少心律失常、降低甘油三酯的水平、降低血压和减少冠状动脉内斑块的形成。其它的研究还显示Omega-3脂肪酸还有减轻关节炎疼痛等其它益处。










鱼油产品的质量千差万别,因此购买时一定要选择高品质产品,而不是选择最便宜的产品,同样,也不要只顾选择EPA和DHA脂肪酸含量最高的产品。鱼油质量最关键的衡量标准是它的纯度和稳定性。避免购买劣质产品,它们对身体健康是有害无益的。 在鱼油中可能含有少量的环境污染残留的PCB(多氯联苯)和二恶英,婴幼儿对这些残留毒素尤其敏感。所以哺乳期和孕期妇女,如果已经服用或想要开始服用Omega-3鱼油产品,一定要选择污染残留物含有量最低的鱼油。 稳定性是鱼油质量的另一个关键标准。稳定性是指鱼油的易氧化程度。如果鱼油氧化严重,则会造成油质腐化。鱼油中的自由基将会攻击体内细胞,而不是改善细胞功能预防心血管疾病。这意味着它丧失了Omega-3对人体健康的积极作用。在服用时,鱼油的过氧化值(PV)应该低于10。

美国RBC Life Sciences拥有世界顶级科学家团队,率先发现深海鱼类身上含有Omega-3是由于它们摄取海洋中的某些藻类。这些藻类不仅含有各种有益的矿物质、维生素和蛋白质,而且还富含Omega-3和Omega-6。鱼类和人类一样,自身都不会产生Omega-3和Omega-6。许多营养品公司工厂将捕捞来的海洋鱼类压榨出鱼油,装入胶囊出售,而实际上它们的Omega-3的含量微乎其微,更多是动物脂肪。RBC Life Sciences多年前就已经开始大规模从海藻中提取Omega-3,研发了I.Q.DHA 等产品。近年来,RBC Life Science又用从海藻提取的Omega-3和Omega-6,研发了NeuroBright™、BrightBar™、Pure Life™ EFA等功效独特的新产品,至少领先世界同行十几年。

healthy eyes & heart
Omega 3 Supplement (vegetarian)
60 Capsules
市场零售价:$ 28
优惠顾客价:$ 24
会员订货价:$ 22


Pure Life™ EFA
Healthy Balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6
Enrich with Astaxanthin

Ingredients: Omega-3 oil (from marine algae), Astaxanthin vegetable capsule. Mercury free.

60 vegetable gel caps
Take I capsule twice a day after a meal

RBC Life Sciences Inc.:


Immune 360 防癌抗癌的利器 全方位构筑人体免疫系统

Cancer and Ellagic Acid

by Dr. Kurt Grange, N.D., Ph.D
Nutritional Biophysiologist
Sports Medicine Specialist

Cancer is the most feared of all diseases.

People immediately associate cancer with dying. Unlike other killing diseases, cancer usually causes a slow death involving great pain and suffering, with much mental anguish and a feeling of hopelessness. In addition, the mental and physical stress it puts on loved ones and caretakers is beyond calculation.

What is cancer?

You have 76 trillion cells in your body that must constantly undergo reproduction if the body is to remain alive and functioning correctly. Some of these cells reproduce every few days while others reproduce after a much longer period. As each old cell reaches the end of its life cycle, it reproduces and is replaced by a fresh young cell. The natural process of cell death is called apoptosis. The normal death rate of cells is controlled by a "biological clock" gene called the P53 gene.

We know that most cancers are initiated by the action of free radicals. Free radicals are unstable atoms or molecules with at least one unpaired electron. These unpaired electrons want and need a partner. Consequently, the unstable free radicals, which have the ability to attract electrons from other atoms or molecules, go about swiping electrons from other stable atoms or molecules. This taking of an electron from another atom means that the free radical is now balanced and is no longer a free radical. But the atom or molecule from which the electron was taken is now damaged, and it has become a free radical itself. This sets off a chain reaction of electron stealing and consequently damage within the body, similar to little bombs exploding within the cell structure. In their search for electrons, free radicals do a lot of structural damage to healthy cells. Cumulative free radical damage causes the plasma membrane of the cell to break down. When this happens, transportation of nutrients, oxygen, and water into the cell and the removal of waste products and toxins out of the cell become compromised. This causes the cell to either starve to death, die in a sea of accumulated toxic waste, or, if the DNA of the cell is also affected, it can cause the cell to reproduce daughter cells incorrectly, thereby causing cell mutation.

The mutated cell is now genetically incorrect and does not behave as a normal cell. The P53 gene of the cell is affected and the natural biological clock is stopped, eliminating apoptosis. Without apoptosis, the mutated cancer cell doesn't die. In order to sustain its growth a cancer cell steals nutrients from surrounding cells and begins to rapidly reproduce damaged, mutated cells in geometric progression (2, 4, 8, 16, etc.). Over a period of time the cancer cell develops into a cancerous mass or tumor. Cancerous cells from the mass or tumor can be transported to other tissues or organs where they imbed and begin to grow and reproduce (metastasize).

In recent years the ability of the medical community to diagnose and treat cancer has greatly improved. Unfortunately, however, the vast majority of cancers still lack effective treatments. The choices for conventional treatment involve some form of surgery, radiation, and/or chemotherapy. These procedures are invasive, treat only the symptoms, and often cause side effects more severe than the disease itself.

Dr. Alan Levine of the University of California Medical School observes, "Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy." He also states: "Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade...."

Conventional methods treat cancer as a localized disease to be treated in a localized manner by cutting out the tumor, irradiating it, or flooding the body with toxic (often carcinogenic) drugs in order to destroy the tumor.

On the other hand, natural healing methods consider cancer to be a systemic disease. Emphasis is placed on rebuilding the body's natural immunity and strengthening its natural ability to destroy cancer cells. The key is to Alkalize, Cleanse, Nourish, and Balance the Body, allowing it to heal itself naturally.

Data on cancer (which has been corroborated by the National Academy of Sciences, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the National Cancer Institute, and the American Cancer Society) found that 80 to 90 percent of all cancers are produced as a result of life-style factors, (smoking, alcohol, lack of exercise), exposure to chemicals, environmental factors, and dietary practices.

We are surrounded by natural and technologically produced toxins. These environmental poisons are present in the air we breathe, the foods we eat and the water we drink. In today's industrial world, we cannot escape them. We are exposed to more toxins in 15 minutes than our great-grandparents were exposed to during their entire lives. The majority of these toxins are considered to be cancer-causing carcinogens, and, as unbelievable as it sounds, the most toxic environment to which we are exposed daily is the environment in our own homes.

Each of us contributes to the destruction of our own health.

In our headlong rush to make our lives easier, safer, faster, more fun, and more convenient, we have changed our lifestyles. And, both accidentally and on purpose, we have also changed our environment. We have created the toxic environment necessary for a variety of old and new disease microbes and degenerative disease conditions, such as cancer, to proliferate and devastate our society.

Since lifestyles, environmental factors, and nutrition are the most common risk factors for developing cancer, it stands to reason that many of these cancers can be destroyed, substantially reduced, or their development reversed by reducing or eliminating the contributing risk factors. There are some risk factors like air and water which are difficult to control but can nevertheless be improved. And you do have almost total control over some of the other known risk factors such as smoking, alcohol, intake of chemicals and drugs, and diet and nutrition.

Diet and nutrition appear to be factors in 60 percent of women's cancers, 40 percent of men's cancers, and 75 percent of cardiovascular diseases. Space doesn't allow for a discourse on diets and what foods to eat to reduce possible cancer development, except to say, reduce your intake of fat, red meat, smoked meats or those preserved by nitrates, and eliminate from your diet white sugars, white flour products, and especially all soft drinks which are up to 500 times more acidic than your blood, causing a cascade of health problems.

Unfortunately, most doctors don't counsel cancer patients or those that are at high risk for cancer about nutrition. However, research shows that ingesting the correct foods and supplements may prevent cancer, boost the immune system and energy levels, and give the body a fighting chance to prevent cancer or heal itself. A healthy diet strengthens the immune system, slows tumor growth, protects against further metastasis and reduces the overwhelming negative side effects of radiation and chemotherapy.

Studies repeatedly show that there is a substantial reduction in cancer risk in those who eat or juice the necessary amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables. Only nine percent of Americans eat the recommended five daily servings. Research has found that it is the antioxidants in fruit and vegetables that confer additional protection against free radical induced cancer. Low blood levels of antioxidants are associated with an increase in death rates from many types of cancer.

One of the most promising areas in cancer prevention involving nutrition is in the area of chemoprevention. Chemoprevention is the concept that natural substances found in whole fresh foods provide powerful weapons against cancer, and against other chronic ailments as well. Chemoprevention is NOT chemotherapy. Instead of toxic poisons, chemoprevention employs non-toxic nutraceuticals to develop optimal health and to counteract cancer and other chronic and degenerative diseases.

A nutraceutical is a food substance or part of a food that provides medical or health benefits, including the prevention of, and/or treatment of disease. They are naturally occurring compounds found in plants, algae, microbials, and other biological sources which support specific bodily health functions. One of the most powerful nutraceutical chemopreventatives for cancer is an extract from red raspberry seeds and concentrated fruit called Ellagic Acid.

Ellagic Acid is a nutraceutical. It contains a naturally occurring phenolic compound that has very strong anti-oxidant properties. It is a potent anti-carcinogen. Ellagic Acid has the ability to inhibit mutations within a cell's DNA. It is also considered to be a cancer inhibitor which has the ability to restore apoptosis or normal cell death in cancer cells. In addition, research has found it to be antibacterial and anti-viral.

Dr. Daniel Nixon of the Hollings Cancer Institute at the Medical University of South Carolina has been working with Ellagic Acid from red raspberry seed in his cancer studies.

Dr. Nixon found that ingesting 40mg of Ellagic Acid daily, which is the amount of Ellagic Acid contained in 1 cup of red raspberries, can cause cancer cells to undergo apoptosis (natural cell death). This is important because when cancer cells undergo apoptosis it effectively stops their geometric reproductive progression. The cancer cells die a normal death and are not reproduced. In other words, Ellagic Acid reinstates the apoptosis (natural cell death) causing action of the P53 gene.

Dr. Nixon also has shown that human cervical cells which are infected with the human papilloma virus (which is considered to be the main cause of cervical cancer) are also killed.

Other investigations and researchers, both in the United States and in Europe, found that daily consumption of Ellagic Acid from red raspberries had positive responses in:

- reduction of perodontal disease
- protection of the liver from toxic injury
- promotion of liver regeneration
- promotion of faster wound healing
- reduction of radiation induced chromosomal damage
- slowing the spread of the HIV virus in the human body
- slowing the degenerative process of aging
- prevention of neural tube birth defects
- reduction of neurodegenerative diseases
- reduction of diabetic retinopathy

Ellagic Acid is a super antioxidant and a potent anticarcinogen which protects the cells against free radical damage. It is also a very powerful anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent. Ellagic Acid has the ability to inhibit mutations within a cell's DNA. It is also considered to be a cancer inhibitor with the ability to induce apoptosis or normal death in many different types of cancer cells.

Adding RBC's Ellagic Acid in the form of the "Immune 360" product and Marine Bio Coral Calcium ( find these superior products at http://www.rbclife.com/me/info ) to the following cancer prevention guidelines is an excellent way to reduce the chance of developing cancer:

- Maintain a desirable body weight
- Eat a varied diet
- Include a variety of both vegetables and fruits in the daily diet
- Eat more high-fiber foods, such as whole grain cereals, legumes, vegetables, and fruits
- Cut down on total fat intake
- Limit or better yet eliminate consumption of alcoholic beverages
- Limit or better yet eliminate salt-cured, smoked and nitrate-preserved foods

Dr. Grange recognizes that alkalinity is the key to optimum health and that Marine Bio Coral Calcium dramatically increases the beneficial effects of Ellagic Acid.

Optimum alkalinity at the cellular level equates to optimum health.

Bood pH 7.4 is Health - 7.2 is Death.

Adding 1 gram of Marine Bio's Coral Calcium to a quart of distilled water raises the pH of the water to an alkaline 11.5 - 11.73. The 1 gram of Coral Calcium immediately increases the alkaline level by 100,000 times and a the same time adds one billion free radical fighting electrons.

Marine Bio's Coral Calcium is believed to be the most powerful antioxidant ever discovered.

The Marine Bio ionic form Coral Calcium, the "King of Minerals," is immediately bioavailable.

The calcium and other minerals in Marine Bio's Coral Calcium (almost identical in composition and proportion to human bone structure) become immediately ionic in the water, allowing the calcium, magnesium and trace minerals from the ocean to be readily available to the cells.

Additionally, Marine Bio's Coral Calcium lowers the surface tension of the water, allowing it to penetrate and hydrate the cells more effectively, carrying in nutrients and removing toxins and waste residues more effectively.


Today we are exposed to a variety of chemicals in the foods we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. Our immune system is our primary line of defense to help us get healthy and stay healthy, but in today’s environment, our immune system needs more powerful nutritional support.

Immune 360 provides this support with natural ingredients selected to nourish and support the function of the immune system cells. This unique and powerful supplement combines phytonutrients, polysaccharides, and other Immunoceuticals that have been shown to support immune system function. It contains legendary herbs proven to benefit immunity, along with recently identified nutrients such as astaxanthin and ellagic acid.

Immune 360 also contains beta-glucan, aloe vera, and RBC’s exclusive PhycoteneTM Complex, a patented blend of special carotenes that help your body maintain optimum health. You need an array of scientifically backed nutrients building and supporting your immune system to give you the best protection for your health. Immune 360 will help you build a strong circle of defense. You need Immune 360!*

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

(60 Item Code: 1860
Retail Price: $59.00 USD

3 Ways to Save:
● Preferred Customer 10% off retail
● Associate Wholesale 20% off Retail
● Associate AutoShip 30% off Retail

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士兵工厂:骨髓 红血球和白血球就像免疫系统里的士兵,而骨髓就负责制造这些细胞。每秒钟就有800万个血球细胞死亡并有相同数量的细胞在这里生成,因此骨髓就像制造士兵的工厂一样。

训练场地:胸腺 就像为赢得战争而训练海军、陆军和空军一样,胸腺是训练各军兵种的训练厂。胸腺指派T细胞负责战斗工作。此外,胸腺还分泌具有免疫调节功能的荷尔蒙。

战场:淋巴结 淋巴结是一个拥有数十亿个白血球的小型战场。当因感染而须开始作战时,外来的入侵者和免疫细胞都聚集在这里,淋巴结就会肿大,甚至我们都能摸到它。肿胀的淋巴结是一个很好的信号,它正告诉你身体受到感染,而你的免疫系统正在努力地工作着。作为整个军队的排水系统,淋巴结肩负着过滤淋巴液的工作,把病毒、细菌等废物运走。人体内的淋巴液大约比血液多出4倍。

血液过滤器:脾脏 脾脏是血液的仓库。它承担着过滤血液的职能,除去死亡的血球细胞,并吞噬病毒和细菌。它还能激活B细胞使其产生大量的抗咽喉守卫者:扁桃体 扁桃体对经由口鼻进入人体的入侵者保持着高度的警戒。那些割除扁桃体的人患上链球菌咽喉炎和霍奇金病的机率明显升高。这证明扁桃体在保护上呼吸道方面具有非常重要的作用。

免疫助手:盲肠 盲肠能够帮助B细胞成熟发展以及抗体(IgA)的生产。它也扮演着交通指挥员的角色,生产分子来指挥白血球到身体的各个部位。盲肠还能“通知”白血球在消化道内存在有入侵者。在帮助局部免疫的同时,盲肠还能帮助控制抗体的过度免疫反应。

肠胃守护者:集合淋巴结 像盲肠一样,集合淋巴结对肠胃中的入侵者起反应。它们对控制人体血液中的微生物入侵者至关重要。

Immune 360(免疫360)



