IRVING, Texas, Aug. 20 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- (RBC Life Sciences: OTC Bulletin Board: RBCL) -- RBC Life Sciences, Inc., a provider of proprietary nutritional supplements and wound care/pain management products, announced today the debut of NeuroBright(TM), a patent-pending, nutritional supplement that improved test subjects' learning and memory skills by 50 percent during a recent laboratory trial.
(Read about NeuroBright here on Life Sciences Today.com)
The veteran researcher who conducted the NeuroBright trial said few of the studies he has conducted in his 25 years in the field of neuroscience saw such dramatic improvements in cognitive function.
Lucien Thompson, head of the neuroscience program in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas, said that his two-year animal study of NeuroBright showed that both young and aging rats in controlled trials saw marked improvement in learning and memory tasks similar to those that confront elderly populations. NeuroBright also improved psychomotor skills, including strength, endurance and balance, according to the study.*
"NeuroBright looks like it has a lot of promise to improve memory and learning, not just in rats but in people as well," Thompson said. NeuroBright showed the potential to enhance ". . .the ability to learn new things, remember those things and then use that information."
NeuroBright is a synergistic blend of herbs, whole food nutrients and RBC Life Sciences' Microhydrin(R), a uniquely formulated antioxidant whose health benefits have been detailed in numerous clinical and peer-reviewed studies. The company has filed for a composition-of-matter patent to protect NeuroBright's formulation.
"One of our greatest fears is losing our mental capacity during the aging process," said RBC Life Sciences President and CEO, John W. Price. "NeuroBright is the industry's first and only product to combine Microhydrin with research-supported ingredients shown to support cognitive function--all in the convenience of a single nutritional supplement."
"We believe NeuroBright will become one of RBC Life Sciences' flagship products and a major contributor in the effort to help people address their fears of cognitive decline. NeuroBright is a natural, safe and effective way of helping us to think, learn and remember."
The species of rat chosen for the double-blind, placebo-controlled trial shares many important biological attributes with humans. In addition to sharing just about every important protein, we share most of the same genome, similar developmental patterns and many of the same nervous system mechanisms, Thompson said.
The learning and memory portion of the study monitored the animals as they navigated a spatial maze. Subjects were fed one of four foods: a placebo, Microhydrin, a formula of 11 herbal antioxidants, and NeuroBright (Microhydrin combined with the 11 herbal antioxidants).
Thompson said typically 25 percent of any control group of rats is identified as slow learners. Microhydrin alone, as well as the 11 herbal antioxidants alone, improved the subjects' learning and memory. When the formulas were combined, as they are in NeuroBright, memory and learning improved dramatically. In fact, NeuroBright completely eliminated the slow learners, Thompson said. Every animal exhibited improved learning and memory.
As we age, our brains are increasingly ravaged by the effects of free radicals. Consequently, we require more antioxidants to repair the damage done. Recognizing the important role antioxidants play in brain function, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has conducted many studies on the abilities of different antioxidants to improve brain function.
Thompson said USDA studies of some of the most well-known antioxidant-laden foods, such as walnuts, blackberries and grape juice, can produce a 20 percent improvement in memory. By comparison, NeuroBright improved memory by nearly 50 percent, indicating that a synergy of ingredients were at work in the new nutritional supplement.
Most people do not consume the optimum amount of antioxidants in their diets. Those who don't may take nutritional supplements containing antioxidants to compensate. But this alone may not be sufficient, Thompson said.
"The study showed that combining Microhydrin with these other antioxidants produced a significant benefit above what supplementing with antioxidants alone produced," he said.
* -- No animals were harmed while conducting this trial
About RBC Life Sciences
RBC Life Sciences develops, manufactures and markets high-quality nutritional supplements and personal care products to a growing population of consumers seeking wellness and a healthy lifestyle. Under its MPM Medical brand, RBC Life Sciences also develops and markets to health care professionals in the United States proprietary prescription and nonprescription products for advanced wound care and pain management. All products are tested for quality assurance in-house, and by outside independent laboratories, to comply with regulations in the U.S. and in more than 30 countries in which the products are distributed. For more information, visit the Company's Web site at www.rbclifesciences.com.
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SOURCE RBC Life Sciences, Inc.
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