Microhydrin antioxidant
Microhydrin® Plus™ is a revolutionary new broad-spectrum antioxidant designed to provide you with the ultimate protection against free radicals. By combining the most electron-rich antioxidant in the world with eight other powerful, research-backed antioxidants, we have created the most effective antioxidant supplement on the market today. Microhydrin Plus can help you regain and maintain the health you are looking for!
A New Defense Against Free Radicals
For years we have been spreading the word about the power of negative hydrogen. We have demonstrated through laboratory research that Microhydrin provides more electrons and more hydrogen than any other product on the market and millions have experienced the profound effect this has had on their health, energy and endurance.
Meanwhile, research in the field of antioxidants has grown at an incredible rate. New antioxidants are being discovered on a regular basis and research is revealing a number of antioxidants we need for optimum protection against the many different types of free radicals that threaten our health. As the latest and most life-changing antioxidant discoveries have come to light, we selected eight of the most powerful to add to our line. Not as individual products, but as one unique blend. This new, potent blend has been combined with the most electron-rich antioxidant and the most effective delivery system in the world the new, more powerful Microhydrin. You once had a big cannon to fight the war against free radical you now have an army.
Why This Defense Is Critical To Your Halth
Free radicals are unstable compounds that have lost electrons in the process of oxidation during normal body functions, and have been consumed from oxidized compounds in food, water and air. Free radicals increase in the body during stress and exercise. They damage health as they steal electrons from vital cells, interfering with the cells ability to function normally. They cause oxidative stress to the body and may contribute to more than sixty other health conditions, including:
increased aging of bones, organs, brain and skin
interference with cell replication
malignant tissue formation
enzyme malfunction
atherosclerosis and heart disease
Our only defense in the war against free radicals are compounds called antioxidants. Research shows that a variety of antioxidants can stave off many of the degenerative conditions caused by free radicals.
A Wide Defense Is Your Best Defense
Different antioxidants scavenge different free radicals. There are antioxidants classified as water-based and those classified as oil-based. It is important to consume both types because they target different free radicals. For example, an oil-based free radical might attack the membrane of your cell because the cell wall is made up of fat. Remember, oil and water don’t mix. So, in order to protect your cell against these types of free radicals, you need oil-based antioxidants. On the other hand, there may be a water-based free radical in your bloodstream ready to attack one of your blood cells. Only a water-based antioxidant can keep this from happening.
There are also antioxidants that work directly and those that work indirectly. You need both. Direct antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, neutralize free radicals. In this process, a direct antioxidant binds to a free radical, rendering it harmless and protecting cells from damage. Once the direct antioxidant reacts with a radical, the antioxidant is destroyed and cannot be effective again.
Indirect antioxidants work as catalysts. They do not neutralize free radicals directly, but rather boost the body's own antioxidant systems. This gives them a broad range of activity, cycling over and over again, that removes many free radicals. This group of antioxidants stands ready to neutralize free radicals over a period of time. They continue to be effective even after the indirect antioxidants have left the body.
Your Antioxidant Army
Microhydrin® is the most potent source of free radical fighting electrons available today. It has been shown to neutralize the most dangerous free radicals, increase hydration, and help establish pH balance. It has also been shown to reduce lactic acid build-up in the muscles, which can help reduce soreness after exercise.1
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) neutralizes oil-based and water-based free radicals.2 It has demonstrated particular antioxidant protection of the heart and vascular system.3 It increases glutathione levels, which is important for the detoxification of the liver.
N-Acetyl, L-Cysteine helps to break up mucus in the lungs and plays a protective role in the liver. It has been shown to protect the liver from acetaminophen toxicity, which is the number one cause of crisis calls to poison control centers in the U.S. It also helps to protect the kidneys and cardiovascular system. This valuable antioxidant is not found in our food supply.
Green Tea Extract helps to support the immune system, esophagus, intestines, skin, liver, and vital chromosomes.4
Milk Thistle Extract (Silymarin) is extremely beneficial to the health of the liver.5 It works to support the liver primarily by raising glutathione levels, which helps the liver to detoxify harmful industrial chemicals, drugs, and alcohol.
Ascorbyl Palmitate is a fat-soluble form of Vitamin C. Unlike water-soluble vitamin C, it can be stored in the cell membrane until needed. It enhances white blood cell function, interferon production and antibody immune response. It also enhances the formation of red blood cells.6
Niacinamide Ascorbate is a non-flush form of niacin that is necessary for the formation of sex hormones, cortisone, thyroid hormone, and insulin. It promotes a healthy digestive system, youthful skin, increased energy, and a healthy cardiovascular system.
Seleno L-Methionine is a bioavailable form of Selenium. It is synergistic with vitamin E and helps to support the cardiovascular system.7 It keeps the skin supple and elastic, and is important for prostate health.
Quercitin is an antioxidant bioflavanoid that specifically protects pancreatic beta cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. It beneficially affects many enzymes. It is anti-inflammatory, and it prevents abnormal blood clotting.
All of these antioxidants have been researched for their numerous benefits to our health. You could spend a fortune trying to take each of these products individually, but now they have been added to Microhydrin in effective amounts with absolutely no increase in cost!
Recently, the strength of Microhydrin® was increased substantially by the addition of a greater number of negative charges. Now we have increased its power even more by adding eight other antioxidants. The most powerful antioxidant in the world just became a broad-spectrum antioxidant. Now you have eight more life changing reasons to have your hydrogen today.
1) Purdy Lloyd, KL, Wasmund W, Smith L, Raven PB. Clinical Effects of a Dietary Antioxidant Silicate Supplement, Microhydrin, on Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise. Journal of Medicinal Food 2001, 4;3; 151-159.
2) Hagen, TM, et al. Feeding acetyl-l-carnitine and lipoic acid to old rats significantly improves metabolic function while decreasing oxidative stress. Proc. National Academy of Science USA 2003,99,4; 1870-5.
3) El Midaoui A et al. Prevention of hypertension, insulin resistance, and oxidative stress by alpha-lipoic acid. Hypertension. Feb 2002; 39(2): 303-7.
4) Yang CS, Maliaka. P, Meng X. Inhibition of carcinogenesis by tea. Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol 2002,42.25-54.
5) Wellington K, et al. Silymarin: a review of its clinical properties in the management of hepatic disorders. BioDrugs. 2001,15; 7, 465-89
6) Ross,D, et al. Ascorbate 6-palmitate protects human erythrocytes from oxidative damage. Free Radical Biology Med. 1999, 26(1-2); 81-9.
7) De Lorgeril M, et al. Dietary and blood antioxidants in patients with chronic heart failure. Insights into the potential importance of selenium in heart failure. European J Heart Fail. 2001,58,14.2108-16.
Item Code: 1860
Retail Price: $41.00 USD
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Microhydrin®是迄今为止功效最为显著的抗衰老产品。美国科学家们根据氢分子与氧分子互动原理,将某些天然矿物质经过三十多种复杂的纳米科技工序,于2000年首次研发成功Microhydrin®。Microhydrin®携带着亿兆负电子,能迅速祛除人体内导致细胞老化和病变的自由基,保护细胞膜,并显著地增加细胞线粒体数量,恢复体力,还能排除体内各种毒素,改善酸性体质。2004年,科学家们在Microhydrin®中添加了其它八种抗氧化功效强大的天然营养成分,研制成功了Microhydrin® Plus™,以强化Microhydrin®的抗衰老作用。目前,美国科学家们对Microhydrin®的制作工艺又进行重大改进,运用了一种比纳米技术更为先进的高科技手段(命名为“Microhydrin技术”),将天然营养物质分解成远比人体细胞更小的微粒,可直接进入人体细胞。Microhydrin被添加于其它营养产品之后,能极大地提高营养成分的吸收率,甚至可以进入大脑深层。科学家们由此又研制成功一种叫作NeuroBright™的产品,可促使脑细胞的再生和修复,增强记忆力,延缓衰老,防止老年痴呆症和帕金森症。日前,美国营养品鉴别专家们将海军技术部门所使用的检测氧化还原的仪器拿来逐一测试营养保健品,发现Microhydrin®的抗氧化功效是市面上其它所有抗氧化剂的数十倍,甚至数百倍。医生们发现,病人在服用Microhydrin®之后半小时验血,或者在服用之后一个多小时验尿,检测出人体内的水分增加,自由基大量消失,病变细胞被修复。一些有趣的实验发现,Microhydrin®能够使赛马增强耐力和奔跑速度,并且使枯萎的植物恢复生气,延缓花卉凋谢的时间。学术界认为,Microhydrin®是一种划时代革命性的抗氧化、抗衰老产品,它凝聚着美国顶尖科学家团队的智慧结晶和毕生心血,是对人类生命科学发展的又一巨大贡献。
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