Microhydrin has been proven to be the most powerful antioxidant on the world market, it neutralizes and renders harmless free radicals generated by everyday metabolic processes. An unhealthy diet, full of foods, high in fat or sugar, toxins in the air and water all lead to an increase in free radicals production, that's why Microhydrin is essential to people, living in polluted ecological areas.
Microhydrin has been proven to be the most powerful antioxidant on the world market, it neutralizes and renders harmless free radicals generated by everyday metabolic processes. An unhealthy diet, full of foods, high in fat or sugar, toxins in the air and water all lead to an increase in free radicals production, that’s why Microhydrin is essential to people, living in polluted ecological areas. Microhydrin improves characteristics of biological substances in the cellular environment: pH, surface tension and specific conductivity. Microhydrin also has antiviral and antibacterial properties.
Microhydrin® helps:
- support general health;
- improve digestion;
- tone up the body;
- increase energetic resources of the body;
- improve mental work;
- slow down the aging process;
- eliminate damage, caused by free radicals;
- prevent development of numerous chronic diseases.
Free radicals are unstable molecules, generated due to poor eating habits, stress, pesticides, pollution of the environment, work of electronic appliances and everyday metabolic processes of the body.
Free radicals are active unstable compounds. They travel through the body stealing electrons from stable molecules and turning these molecules into free radicals, which are less active. This continuous chain reaction leads to damage of the cells; as a result, there appear different diseases and premature degenerative changes.
Damage caused by free radicals is closely linked to almost 80 diseases. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, giving them one of their electrons. At this moment, the antioxidant itself turns into a weaker free radical that also tends to make up for the electron it’s lost.
Biological body fluids contain a certain amount of antioxidants and nutritional supplements help neutralize free radicals. However, acidic foods, stress and pollution lead to an increase in the number of free radicals created in the body. So, we need a reliable means of antioxidant protection, a potent antioxidant. An antioxidant like this was found due to a scientific discovery.
Present-day antioxidants contain vitamins C, E, b- carotene, selenium and OPC (oligomerous proantocyanidines), obtained from seeds of grapes and pine bark. These compounds consist of large molecules with a complex structure, but independently of their size, every such molecule can provide only one electron.
Hydrogen, which is the smallest but the most wide–spread element in the Universe, can serve as the most concentrated source of antioxidant energy.
Each capsule of Microhydrin contains silica, enriched with hydrogen, i.e., a compound of silica and hydrogen anions that contain loosely bound extra electrons. The extra electron is freely given to neutralize free radicals, rendering them harmless. As hydrogen is the smallest element, each capsule of Microhydrin can provide thousands of such electrons. It’s the only antioxidant form that doesn’t turn into a free radical when losing its electron, but dissociates into digestible nutrients - compounds of silica, salts of potassium and magnesium and water.
Going into details, we can say that microparticles of Microhydrin and Hydracel are compounds of silicate minerals, prepared in a certain way and similar to those that often occur in nature. They are often covered with vegetable oil that increases their fixation and transfer ability.
Microhydrin can structure water and body fluids. It reduces the surface tension of water, making it more digestible from a biological standpoint, and so improves hydration of cells and tissues, which is essential for the improvement of cell functioning. Tissue hydration in children has been proved to be much higher than that in elderly people. So, Microhydrin helps rejuvenate the body and delay the signs of aging.
Microhydrin is a universal and safe stimulant of energy generation. With Microhydrin, an active synthesis of ATP takes place in cells. ATP is a molecule, supplying energy for all biochemical processes in cells. This extra energy can be used to restore damaged cells, and accordingly, damaged tissues. This energy can also be used to normalize metabolic processes, fight against pathogenic microorganisms and chronic diseases. Thus, we can say that on condition that we consume all essential nutrients, Microhydrin stimulates processes of self-recovery of the body, helping to cure numerous illnesses, including chronic ones.
Presentation: capsules (60 capsules in a jar) and powder (100g in a jar).
One dose (1 capsule) contains 250mg of silicon hydride (silicon, potassium carbonate, magnesium sulfate, calcium citrate), rice flour.
It doesn’t contain any floury components, gluten and substances from maize or substances of animal origin.
Capsules: take 1 capsule once a day while eating, then follow with a glass of water. You can take 1 capsule as often as two times a day.
Powder: on the first two days take ? measuring spoon of the powder (250 mg), them you can increase the dose to 1 measuring spoon 2 times a day or as it’s recommended by your doctor- consultant. You should always take a solution of Microhydrin, dissolving the powder in 250 mg of water. Caution! Do not take the powder of Microhydrin as it is without water! Do not take Microhydrin on an empty stomach!
Contraindications: none discovered.
Storage: keep in a cool, dry place, out of children’s reach.
Item Code: 1860
Retail Price: $41.00 USD
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Microhydrin(微氢)是迄今为止功效最为显著的抗衰老产品。美国科学家们根据氢分子与氧分子互动原理,将某些天然矿物质经过三十多种复杂的纳米科技工序,于2000年首次研发成功Microhydrin(微氢)。Microhydrin(微氢)携带着亿兆负电子,能迅速祛除人体内导致细胞老化和病变的自由基,保护细胞膜,并显著地增加细胞线粒体数量,恢复体力,还能排除体内各种毒素,改善酸性体质。2004年,科学家们在Microhydrin(微氢)中添加了其它八种抗氧化功效强大的天然营养成分,研制成功了Microhydrin Plus,以强化Microhydrin(微氢)的抗衰老作用。目前,美国科学家们对Microhydrin(微氢)的制作工艺又进行重大改进,运用了一种比纳米技术更为先进的高科技手段(命名为“微氢技术”),将天然营养物质分解成远比人体细胞更小的微粒,可直接进入人体细胞。Microhydrin(微氢)被添加于其它营养产品之后,能极大地提高营养成分的吸收率,甚至可以进入大脑深层。科学家们由此又研制成功一种叫作NeuroBright™的产品,可促使脑细胞的再生和修复,增强记忆力,延缓衰老,防止老年痴呆症和帕金森症。日前,美国营养品鉴别专家们将海军技术部门所使用的检测氧化还原的仪器拿来逐一测试营养保健品,发现Microhydrin(微氢)的抗氧化功效是市面上其它所有抗氧化剂的数十倍,甚至数百倍。医生们发现,病人在服用Microhydrin(微氢)之后半小时验血,或者在服用之后一个多小时验尿,检测出人体内的水分增加,自由基大量消失,病变细胞被修复。一些有趣的实验发现,Microhydrin(微氢)能够使赛马增强耐力和奔跑速度,并且使枯萎的植物恢复生气,延缓花卉凋谢的时间。学术界认为,Microhydrin(微氢)是一种划时代革命性的抗氧化、抗衰老产品,它凝聚着美国顶尖科学家团队的智慧结晶和毕生心血,是对人类生命科学发展的又一巨大贡献。
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